
Showing posts from 2010

Prayers Please

Prayers would be much appreciated for us over the next few days. My husbands grandmother passed away this morning around 1 am. We were able to be there for her and with her at that time. We spent all afternoon with her and the rest of Cameron's family, many of which we rarely see. It was a special experience to be together when she passed on. Cameron and I were able to share our thoughts privately on our way home. My mother was gracious enough to watch the children and we were able to be alone during this very emotional time for my beloved. Many of his relatives are not saved. Please pray that this will open all the hearts of those that need to be saved. I also pray that the Lord will be with Cameron and do a special work in his heart at this time too. He really needs to feel the Lord's comforting arms around him. We have all been super stressed this last couple of weeks with his shift change and the lack of sleep and the fact that it seems like no matter how hard we try, we ca...

Excitement Over the New Year!

I am still here! I pray that everyone had a wonderful Christmas. Ours was a "white" Christmas. The first in many years. It actually snowed Christmas day and the next. Its still here, but the bright sunshine is quickly melting it away. I have really enjoyed waking up to a quite house with white snow all over our yard and trees and icycles hanging from the roof and smaller trees. It was the most beautiful thing I have seen in along time. As for our celebration, we were rather thrown off by the continued illness of Cameron's grandmother. His mother called us Christmas Eve and asked for us to drive down and spend the evening with her and his dad and also go visit his grandmother. That visit may have very well been the last time we will see her alive. She is under the care of hospice and is literally in the last days of her life unless the Lord produces a miracle. Please pray for all of us and for her too. Her name is Francis. On Christmas Day, we opened presents, watched the ...

In and Out~ Again

I wanted to add this post in case I forget later. For some reason my brain has NOT been in tip top shape lately :-) We are probably going offline again for a season. I will still update when I can, and I will definately keep everyone updated on my new little baby boy to be, whom by the way will not be David Matthew, but Jackson Tyler, which is the name we chose for Emily if she would have been a boy. Cameron's schedule got changed to 2nd and he is no longer a supervisor which took away a few cents off his hourly pay. So we are cutting back in anyway we can and that more than likely will mean bye-bye to our internet. We don't really use it that much. I use my blackberry to check my email and my favorite message board ( ) and so as long as I can do that, Im good. And yes even if I couldn't do that I would be fine too. So I am going to go for now, and if we don't cut off our internet, I will be back sooner than later. God bless and have a Merry Christmas and...

ITS A.........

BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for all the prayers. David Matthew looks to be a healthy, fiesty , baby boy. Cameron will find out at his lunch. I am making him a blue cupcake and when he bites into it, he will see BLUE!!!! Our children are over the moon and I am too!!! He is soooo cute already. And to think my only other little man, will be 7 in Feb. ;-( He is growing up, so fast!!!! Well I have to go and make some cupcakes! God bless! Blessings~ Maudie

Happy Belated Thanksgiving

As we all have so much to be greatful for this Holiday season, I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Belated Thanksgiving. We have had a ton going on. My husbands 80 something grandmother had a stroke and is now in her last days and my emotions have been out of control. I have been swamped with school, and trying so hard to make some much needed changes in my life. I have a list a mile long that I HAVE to work on. We find out Friday what the new wee one is if baby is willing to show us and then we celebrate our 12th wedding anniversary December 11. This pregnancy has flew by and so has this year. It seems like I was just finding out what my little Tweedle was and now she is almost 6 months old! I can't wrap my mind around it. I will update as soon as I get home Friday morning from the scan to let you all know what wee one is :-) Im hoping for a healthy, bouncing, baby boy , who will be named David Matthew, but a healthy Sarah Elizabeth will be great too! I just feel sad for my Ja...

Yes.... Im Still Alive :-)

Yes, I am still breathing. I just haven't felt like writing. We are all okay though. The pregnancy is chugging right along, as I will be 12 weeks Tuesday and for our 12th Wedding Anniversary present, Cameron is going to pay extra for me to find out what the gender of our new little babe is the first week of December! I am so excited. As for everyone else, including my little tweedle dee, we are all doing pretty well. Morning/All day sickness , has NOT been as brutal this time around, praise nthe Lord! Although the exhaustion is unbelievable this time around. I find my eyes shutting at around 7:30 or earlier if Cameron is off work. I am hoping to write more now that I am feeling better. I am going to revamp some things in my life( inspired by my DEAREST friend to do this, Thank you Jen) and I am going to include some changes to my blog with that and my blogging habbits for that matter. So please stay tuned. I am going to go for now, get out of my church clothes and do some things w...

My Appt.

We went to the OB yesterday where she did an u/s and we saw our little baby with its heart beating away at 168. I was very thankful for that. I again woke up this morning to more spotting though. We are really not sure what os causing it, but brown means old, so possibly it is left over from all the spotting I did last month when I found out I was pregnant. Just keep us in your prayers. I will not be posting any right now unless it is related to the new baby. Im just not in the mood to reallhy have alot of internet time right now and I would rather just reflect on my family and what needs to be addressed there, rather than trying to blog. Hope you all understand! God bless. Blessings~ Maudie

Prayers Needed Again Please

I started having some pain and spotting last night. Please pray for our baby and for myself. Cameron is taking me to the OB on Monday. I am feeling better today, but just not much in the mood for conversation or writing, but I did want to ask for prayers. Thanks and God bless you all! Blessings~ Maudie

Good News!

I just got back from the u/s and my due date changed to May 17, but all looks good. The baby's heart was beating away in the 130s and the sweet little babe look healthy and strong! Praise the Lord :-)

My Ultrasound

My ultrasound showed a sac in the uterus! We are thrilled. Thank you all so much for the thoughts and prayers. We go back for another u/s to check for a heartbeat on Sept. 27th at 10 am. Please pray that the baby is healthy and that the next u/s shows a healthy baby, with a strong heartbeat. The baby measured exactly 5 weeks and 3 days as I predicted. I know my cycle pretty good, especially after many pregnancys. And I don't know if I post it already or not, but my beloved got a promotion to supervisor of his shift and a raise! GOD is GOOD! Blessings~ Maudie

Emily's Test Results~

Emily test results came back normal. Praise the Lord! So I guess the spells she was having was from the reflux. We are praying that she doesn't have anymore. I go in this afternoon to my doctors appt and we are going to try to see the baby. I am praying for a healthy baby in the uterus and I would love to see a heartbeat, although I know it is a little early. Well I have to go and finish up our schooling. We were just taking a quick break. I will update on myself either this afternoon or tomorrow. God bless and thanks so much for praying for us! Blessings~ Maudie

Quick Update On Me!

Quick update on myself: My numbers from Wed. were 491 and then they were 939 yesterday. So my ob said that was great. I go in Tuesday for another u/s to try to find the baby in the uterus, so I am asking for prayers that we will see a healthy babe in the uterus! And as for Emily... No news yet. They said that we will know something Monday afternoon. We so appreciate these prayers! God bless you all and have a safe weekend! Blessings~ Maudie

Feeling a Little More Like Talking...

I feel a little more like talking this morning. First I want to start out by saying thank you so much to everyone who is praying for us. Emily and I slept well last night and so I woke up at 5:30 this morning feeling much more focused and rested and peaceful. I have decided that I am OKAY with not having any control in this issue with this pregnancy and with Emily. I am still hurting pretty bad and I am still spotting a lot of brown liquid ( sorry if TMI) which I have read is a sign of epctopic. With my other one, I never had any spotting or bleeding, so all I can do is wait and pray that if it is epctopic, it will resolve itself, and I will not require another surgery. I really do NOT want to be away from my little Emily overnight. There is a verse, 2 Timothy 1:7 :" For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love and of a sound mind." I am holding onto this verse and have been since right before I found out I was pregnant. When you give your fertitlt...

Please Continue to Pray

I had my u/s today and it was too early to see anything. I was sent for bloodwork and will go back Friday for more bloodwork. I also have another appt. Tuesday. I have a bad feeling about this pregnancy, so please pray for me. Also tomorrow is Emily's appt. at the hospital. I will update again when I know more. Thank you all so much for praying.

Please Pray for Emily/Prayer Request for Family

Please pray for Emily. She has been having some spells where she stops breathing. We don't know if it is a symptom of her reflux or if its seizures. I am taking her to the hopsital Thursday at 12 for an EEG. Please remember her in prayers. My son also has hand,foot and mouth. Please pray we don't get it. And as for myself, please pray for me and my unborn baby. I go in at 9 tommorrow for an ultrasound to try to rule out eptopic. Just please keep our family in your prayers. I will update as new things develop. Blessings~ Maudie

Big Announcement....

Yes. I have an announcement. A rather shocking one..... I found out yesterday that I am expecting our 6th baby. Yes, Emily is only 3 months old. I am in utter shock. I am excited that Emily will have a sibling so close in age, and my middle 2 daughters are closer than Emily and the new baby will be. So here we go again.... Our edd is May 14, 2011. I will post some pictures later,when Cameron gets home, so he can load them off my blackberry. Please pray that this baby is healthy and in the right place, and that I will have an uneventful pregnancy and that we will all adjust to this news :-) I am also secretly praying that this is a boy for James and Cameron, although healthy baby/moma is the main thing!

My Story~ Part 2

So after my tubal ligation I was pretty content for about 2 years. Then I began to realize that maybe I had made a mistake. I had a horrible time every month when it was that time, and I was becoming an emotional wreck. I had a hard time with lots of stuff in my life and so I began researching reversals and how much they cost. I mentioned the prospect to Cameron and at first he said no way. We had all we could handle and in my emotional state at that time, he was right. Finally he agreed that maybe a reversal would be okay just as long as we did it to see if it helped me emotionally. The next step was the finances. After much prayer we decided on Dr. Lisa Rogers in Jackson,Tn. Then we needed to send in my medical records to even see if I was a canidate. And praise the Lord, I was a perfect canidate for the reversal. So we were now on the road to trying to save up the $4500.00 we needed to have the surgery. I found a group online that had letters that Dr. Rogers honored that gave you a ...

My Story~ Part 1

I promised that when I returned to my blogging fully that it would be well worth the wait. So I am going to start from the beginning and tell you my whole story. My life is going somewhere different and so the Lord is leading me to start over, from the start. So here goes: I have been thinking alot lately about life in general. My husband and I have had our ups and downs all these years ( 12 in December to be exact), but we have managed to keep it together. We have 5 wonderful children now and are excited to see how many more the Lord has in store for us. I think about my attitude when we first married. You couldn't have forced me to believe that my life would be like this. I was so much different. But yet today as I look down at my little Emily sleeping away beside me and hear the hussle and bussle of my older children running about through the house, I can not think of anything that could be better than this. So many of our friends have been married and divorced atleast twice by ...

Look For More~

I just got back from a great church service that has actually inspired me in the areas I have been praying about. I haven't wrote in my blog since my last post because I have been praying about several things. Mainly the direction that the Lord is leading me in my life. So although I don't have to much time right this minute, I am going to be writing more starting this week. I am quite tired right now and I am fixen to lay down for a few with Tweedle Dee. so check back this week for more..... God bless! Blessings~ Maudie

In and Out~

I wanted to drop in and say hello! Things have been really busy this last couple of weeks. Things are better on the homefront, but still a little unsetteling. We have started back to school and I am actually excited about that. Baby Emily is growing like a weed and is still just as sweet as she was when she was first born. I am trying to figure out how I could use this blog to be a witness to other women and not just talk about my life on here. I know that the Lord is doing some great things in my life right now and I just honestly feel like He is taking me in a different direction than I have been before. I will be posting more on that later. I feel the need to become even more dedicated to the Lord, my husband, my children and my life trying to be a Proverbs 31 lady. The phrase "dying to self"is stuck in my head. I have so many things swirling around, but so little time to post them right now. I have to go because we are taking Emy to have her pictures made! Yes, my baby tw...

Bye For Now~

I needed to post on here for the last time for awhile. We are having a major issue with my husbands parents, especially his mother. Please pray that the Lord will do a work in her heart and that His will be done in this situation. We feel that our children are in danger to a degree, so it is in their best intrest that there is no blogging for now. Bye for now friends, and may God bless you all and keep you unitl we speak again! Blessings~ Maudie

New Design...

Bear with me as I am trying to get a new background for my blog to kind of freshen up my look :) I haven't been on that much lately but I decided to pop in and make a few changes this morning. Today is my Savannah's 11th birthday. Oh how time flys... So this post is for you Savannah! Happy birthday...

Sweet Surrender

When I woke up this morning my home was unusually quite. 2 of the children were gone to their grandmothers, and 2 of them was peacefully sleeping and then 1 little baby was happily nursing. I cherish my time in moments like that. Not that I don't love my children or family, but I love my quite time. I use that time to pray and talk to the Lord. I spent a good hour or so praying this morning. I prayed for my family, my husband, my friends and for myself. I am trying to change several areas in my life. It has proven to be a difficult task. I spent alot of time this morning talking to the Lord about what areas that I know still need improvement. And I have actually heard the Holy Spirit speaking to me today in my heart, telling me to "shh... be quite" or "smile", "have a better attitude", "ask him if he needs anything", "be cheerful"; the list goes on. My heart and spiritual ears are open to whatever the Lord wants me to know. I have a...


Again I will say that I am still here. I have just been taking a break from blogging and I still have a ton on my mind. Our SUV is broke down at the moment, so we are currently in a rental car. Of course it is way too small but that is all we could afford( well we really couldn't but we had to) . So I am going to try to get my home nice and tidy this weekend and then I will begin preparing for BACK TO SCHOOL. So far August 2nd is our tenative date to start back. I was blessed to be able to find 10 ABeka readers that I was needing at the thrift store, in like new condition for $1.25 a piece. I was thrilled. So of course I snatched them right up. Now I only need 2 things to complete my back to school curriculum needs. Those 2 things are the complete speech therapy at home set for James from and I will be ordering the 3rd grade math curriculum for Taylor from Rod & Staff ( 1-606-522-4348 Mondays 9-5 and Tuesdays to Fridays 8-5 Eastern Standard Time) . If ...

Checking In....

I haven't posted in several days because I have been trying to get myself in a better place emotionally. I am semi-succeding at this although I am still struggling. When I first started this blog I imagined that my writings would all be inspirational and cheerful, but real life is not always that. So pardon me for being real. I am going to say exactly how I feel and record my inner most thoughts here. The main thing that has been on my mind lately since Justin's death has been my relationship with the Lord, my beloved and my children. Its easy to get so caught up in keeping up with the world. I haven't really done that but my mind still wonders if we are raising our children right. Cameron and me both agree that we want our children raised differently than we were. Not saying that we were not raised good because we were,but still we have different values and aspirations for our children than our parents do/did have. Just an example.... my girls and I are dresses/skirts only...

Im Still Here....

Yes... Im still here. I haven't posted this week because honestly it has been a horrible week. A dear friend of mine and Cameron's took his own life on June 21. He was only 29 years old and probably one of the smartest people I know. He could quote scripture like no one else that I know, yet his life had taken some horrible and very unfortunate turns that to him, left him in a hopeless position in life. He told his mom that he had complete peace with the decision he made to take his own life. He said that he was going to Heaven to be in peace. Oh how I pray that this is true for him. His name was Justin and his moms name is Tina. Please pray for her. As far as everything else goes, my week has not been good. Cameron and I have kind of been at odds this week. My mind does not seem to be where it needs to be. I have felt so bad this past week. I want me and Cameron to be able to get back to where we were. My attitude has left us rather at odds. I need to dust off my copy of ...


Pardon me if I just ramble for a bit. I have a ton of things on my mind. So none of this may make sense or all of it may completely click together. Since Emily has been born and actually right before she was born, I have felt a need/deep desire to change somethings in my life. I am a Christian. I am trying to be the best I can be according to what the Lord wants me to be, but somewhere along the way, I have lost sight of what that really means. I have struggled with breastfeeding Emily. That is something I have desperately wanted to do for years. I have never been successful at breastfeeding a baby since my first daughter 12 years ago. I have been full of emotions lately. Back and forth between elation and depression. I have been terrified of my future. It is so easy to sit and say God is in control. As I sit here and think on that, I realize that I have been trying to be in control for too long. I say that I trust God in all areas of my life. I say I trust Him with our finances, yet I...

Back to Reality.....

Tomorrow is going to be my official "Back to Reality" day. I am itching to get back into a routine of some sort and I am praying for an easy transition. The kids have been rather wild for 2 months or so now because at the end of my pregnancy with Emily, I was exhausted to say the least. My house is now pretty overcome with mess and I have been on the couch with Emily since we came home from the hospital last week. I woke up this morning with a horrible backache that radiates through my shoulder blades and into my chest. Emily slept well last night( actually she slept from 1 am or so until 8 am) but James slept on the loveseat. He slept on the loveseat until he decided to join me and Emily on the couch. Keep in mind, I am 5'7, with a 20 inch newborn, and a 6 year old little boy, who isn't short by any means; Imagine trying to get a good nights sleep in that situation :-). NOT going to happen. James was suffering from a sore throat, so since he has been my baby for 6 y...

More Baby Emily Pics



Miss Emily Jordyn Smith.... Emily was born Tuesday,, June 8th at 10:26 am. She was 19 1/2 inches long and 6 lbs. 9 oz. And we are COMPETELY smitten by her. She is beautiful and an amazing baby. She is so calm and so sweet. She is the best baby we have ever had. She rarely crys and she is so tiny. We are truly blessed to have her. I did have a repeat c-section rather than trying to vbac. My blood pressure was high and I had been contracting for days with no progress. The birth was great. It was my best section yet. The nurses were amazed with me. I only stayed 2 days. We went home Thursday afternoon. My recovery at home has been a little different. I am hurting really bad on my right side from my lower back down to my hip and leg. I think it has something to do with the epidural. It was horrible. I have decided that I will have a spinal for any future births. My doctor also said that my scar tissue was basically non existent but that my uterus was thin. She said that it would have bee...

Tomorrow is My Big Day~

Tomorrow morning at 8 am I am scheduled to meet my doctor at L&D for the birth of our baby girl, Emily Jordyn. Please pray for a safe delivery resulting in a healthy baby and a healthy moma! I will update when I get back from the hospital, unless I can get my laptop online at the hospital! God bless. Blessings~ Maudie

Still Here...

Im still here! I guess I will call my doctor this morning and see if I can come in. I am miserable and in pain. I did get some things on my to do list done yesterday :-) That is a plus. I am pleased with what all I achieved yesterday with the help of my beloved of course. Well I am going to go for now. I will update later when I know more. God bless! Blessings~ Maudie

Random Thoughts...

Well it is a Sunday morning and I am enjoying a little alone time before anyone wakes up. I love to do this. It is one of my most cherished activitys. Sitting alone and just listening to silence. Actually the sound I am hearing is the quite tapping of my fingers on the keys of the computer keyboard. I have many thoughts on my mind this morning and so I am going to just randomly throw them out there. First of all is struggling. I don't know if its being pregnant or just the devil, but I am finding myself really struggling in a couple of areas. We are modest dressing. We wear dresses and skirts only and have been this way for well over a year, really almost 2. All of a sudden I am struggling with that area. I sometimes wonder are my girls missing out because we can't just go buy them whatever at the mall and send them on their way. It is really hard to find clothing that meets our standards. I don't know how to sew and if I did , it would probably be easier to put them in mod...

Finally.... an Update

Finally, I can update. Our internet was turned back on 2 days ago and my beloved got me a new laptop computer and it was delivered yesterday. I will quickly try to fill in the details of the last few months of our life. Where shall I start??? First, I guess I can start with Cameron's job situation. He has remained unemployed this whole time until Wednesday. When we first got married Cameron got a job at a local company and was there for 6 years. They clean industry filters. It was a very good job, but after 6 years, Cameron left to pursue a new career. Well since then we have floundered with him working for himself, Directv and the local cable company. We have always kept in close contact with our friends from this place and earlier in the year Cameron and I mentioned that if they were ever hiring again, to please let him know. So last Friday, our friend called and said that there is a postion available in the lab. The lab is the only part of the shop that operates on a Monday- ...

Im Back!!!!

I wanted to say that I am back and have alot to tell :-) I will post a long post in the morning. God bless :-) Maudie

We Found Out Yesterday....

We ended up going on to the doctor yesterday. And the verdict is in.... ITS A GIRL!!!!! EMILY JORDYN SMITH!!!!!!!!! We are pretty excited. We will get 1 more u/s in Feb. just to check the development. In other news we are shutting our internet back off. ButI will update when I can at the library and at my friends house. Please pray for the Lord to continue to bless this pregnancy and baby Emily. I would also like to ask for prayer as my beloved and I seek to live a more simple type life. I pray that the Lord will bring the right job to him also. And of course pray for our homeschooling. We are transitioning to Rod and Staff after tax returns come in. And we are praying about staying in the ATI. And last but not least, I have a very important unspoken request in regards to our marriage and where the Lord is leading us spiritually. Well thats all for now... Blessings~ Maudie

Almost Time...

Time is ticking!!!!! At 9 am Friday morning we will be at the Doctor's office praying that our precious baby is 100% healthy and that it is laying or sitting in the right position to tell if its a Jackson or an Emily :-) We are sooooo excited!!! I am going to get on to my chores for today, but wanted to add this... and of course I will be updating after my appointment:-) Be blessed~ Blessings~ Maudie


Things have been a tad difficult here the last couple of days. We have all been sick except for Cameron and my mom ( thank the Lord) and so the kids behavior has been horrible. My middle daughter Savannah ( who had ALWAYS been my most trying child) has been expecially disrespectful. How do you handle these days? Well I have not been so proud of myself the last week or so. My kids have been a mess, my house is a mess, and my dogs have even went crazy!!!! I feel like pulling the covers over my head and hiding for awhile. I know though that this too shall pass. I am trying to get control of my bad attitude and my harsh words. I can be quite mean , especially with Savannah because I am so frustrated. Yesterday I was on the verge of crying by the time Cameron came home from work (this was his 3rd day back at work after being unemployed since October 17th.) so he was not feeling like hearing all the drama, but he handled it with grace. Something I am lacking in lately. I am trying. Today has...