We Found Out Yesterday....

We ended up going on to the doctor yesterday. And the verdict is in....


We are pretty excited. We will get 1 more u/s in Feb. just to check the development. In other news we are shutting our internet back off. ButI will update when I can at the library and at my friends house. Please pray for the Lord to continue to bless this pregnancy and baby Emily. I would also like to ask for prayer as my beloved and I seek to live a more simple type life. I pray that the Lord will bring the right job to him also. And of course pray for our homeschooling. We are transitioning to Rod and Staff after tax returns come in. And we are praying about staying in the ATI. And last but not least, I have a very important unspoken request in regards to our marriage and where the Lord is leading us spiritually. Well thats all for now...



  1. Will be in prayer that your husband finds a job. We too are asking the Lord for employment for my husband. Congrats on the baby. Following from Arrow Collectors.


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