Our new baby boy, Jackson Steven Tyler Smith, was born May 6, 2011 at 7:01 pm after about 4 or 5 hours of labor I began to feel the most intense pain I have EVER felt. My contractions became 1 on top of the other, not even giving me a chance for relief from them. Then I thought my water was breaking. I had not been dilated any up until this point, but I figured that was what all was going on. I was wrong. I kept feeling the "water" trickling out and decided I would feel to see what it was. It was blood and a lot of it. I lost it, and my oldest daughter ran to the nurses station to get help. My husband had just stepped outside to make a phone call, but I was afraid that I couldn't wait for him to return. I look back now and wonder why I didn't push the nurses button. Panic and fear I suppose. The nurses checked me and I had only dilated to a 1. I was having a placental abruption. I called my dearest friend Jennifer to ask her to pray for me and within a few minutes, sh...
I'm praying for you dear sister.