
Again I will say that I am still here. I have just been taking a break from blogging and I still have a ton on my mind. Our SUV is broke down at the moment, so we are currently in a rental car. Of course it is way too small but that is all we could afford( well we really couldn't but we had to) . So I am going to try to get my home nice and tidy this weekend and then I will begin preparing for BACK TO SCHOOL. So far August 2nd is our tenative date to start back. I was blessed to be able to find 10 ABeka readers that I was needing at the thrift store, in like new condition for $1.25 a piece. I was thrilled. So of course I snatched them right up. Now I only need 2 things to complete my back to school curriculum needs. Those 2 things are the complete speech therapy at home set for James from www.superstarspeech.com and I will be ordering the 3rd grade math curriculum for Taylor from Rod & Staff ( 1-606-522-4348 Mondays 9-5 and Tuesdays to Fridays 8-5 Eastern Standard Time) . If you are looking for Rod & Staff material, you can call the number above and request a catalog. They have tons of great resources. Well I guess I will go for tonight. I am pretty tired and my side is hurting so I hope that some sleep will help me rest up for tomorrows task. God bless.



  1. Good Morning, Maudie!
    I came across your blog while visiting a friend's...and I noticed that you mentioned "Rod and Staff". I use this curriculum for my son...and I usually get mine from ebay at really reduced prices. Just type in a search at the ebay site (rod staff)and you will get pages of homeschoolers selling their material. Hope that helps!
    By the way, I've read a bit of your blog so far and I plan to read more later. Your insights are wonderful.
    Have a blessed day,


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