Yes.... Im Still Alive :-)

Yes, I am still breathing. I just haven't felt like writing. We are all okay though. The pregnancy is chugging right along, as I will be 12 weeks Tuesday and for our 12th Wedding Anniversary present, Cameron is going to pay extra for me to find out what the gender of our new little babe is the first week of December! I am so excited. As for everyone else, including my little tweedle dee, we are all doing pretty well. Morning/All day sickness , has NOT been as brutal this time around, praise nthe Lord! Although the exhaustion is unbelievable this time around. I find my eyes shutting at around 7:30 or earlier if Cameron is off work. I am hoping to write more now that I am feeling better. I am going to revamp some things in my life( inspired by my DEAREST friend to do this, Thank you Jen) and I am going to include some changes to my blog with that and my blogging habbits for that matter. So please stay tuned. I am going to go for now, get out of my church clothes and do some things with the girls. God bless.



  1. I am so happy to hear that you and baby are doing well!! And HOORAY for not being as sick this time around! I understand the exhaustion part, though, I had it most of my pregnancy! It was hard to do anything because I was so tired all the time!


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