My Story~ Part 1

I promised that when I returned to my blogging fully that it would be well worth the wait. So I am going to start from the beginning and tell you my whole story. My life is going somewhere different and so the Lord is leading me to start over, from the start. So here goes: I have been thinking alot lately about life in general. My husband and I have had our ups and downs all these years ( 12 in December to be exact), but we have managed to keep it together. We have 5 wonderful children now and are excited to see how many more the Lord has in store for us. I think about my attitude when we first married. You couldn't have forced me to believe that my life would be like this. I was so much different. But yet today as I look down at my little Emily sleeping away beside me and hear the hussle and bussle of my older children running about through the house, I can not think of anything that could be better than this. So many of our friends have been married and divorced atleast twice by now. Even though Cameron and I were not living according to the Lord's will most of our marriage, we never seen divorce as an option. And yes, we have had troubles in the past. Bad ones in my opinion. The type of things that most people divorce over. But the only one that has saved us was the Lord. Him and only Him. Praise to the Lord for that. We also have suffered through 2 times in our marriage where we sterilized ourselves in order to not allow any more children. I was so sure after the birth of our second daughter, Savannah, that I did not want more, that I made Cameron an appointment with the doctor and he did go and talk to him, but didn't want to get it done. I was so bitter towards him and especially after Savannah was born, when lo and behold, I found myself pregnant with my 3rd child( another daughter) at the tender age of 19, and with a 16 month old, and a 10 week old. So right before Taylor was born Cameron finally agreed to the vasectomy. Then about 2 years later, I really felt led to have him have it undone. I knew that the Lord was going to give us a son, and so after a bit of peruassion onmy part( more like begging) Cameron had the reversal and 9 months later, I was pregnant with James. Then when I delivered him at 34 weeks gestation, with him having several health problems, I decided that during my 4th c section, I would have a tubal ligation. Big mistake....



  1. Thanks for sharing Maudie. I love hearing about your trials and how God has faithfully brought you through them stronger and wiser than you were before. Thanks for sharing. I love how the Lord has given you the desires of your heart twice.


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