Excitement Over the New Year!

I am still here! I pray that everyone had a wonderful Christmas. Ours was a "white" Christmas. The first in many years. It actually snowed Christmas day and the next. Its still here, but the bright sunshine is quickly melting it away. I have really enjoyed waking up to a quite house with white snow all over our yard and trees and icycles hanging from the roof and smaller trees. It was the most beautiful thing I have seen in along time.
As for our celebration, we were rather thrown off by the continued illness of Cameron's grandmother. His mother called us Christmas Eve and asked for us to drive down and spend the evening with her and his dad and also go visit his grandmother. That visit may have very well been the last time we will see her alive. She is under the care of hospice and is literally in the last days of her life unless the Lord produces a miracle. Please pray for all of us and for her too. Her name is Francis.
On Christmas Day, we opened presents, watched the snow fall , ate of course, and then went for a ride before the roads got bad to see the snow. When we returned I let the kiddos loose for about 15 mins in the snow. We just got over being sick, so I didn't feel like a relapse :-)
Cameron had to go into work at 11 am yesterday and work until 11 pm. We are praying that he will be back on day shift with in the next couple of days. This new schedule is not working that well for us. The 3- 11:30 thing is not good for our family. Everyone, including Tweedle, had got off their regular schedules and with school starting back next week, I shutter to think what our days will look like.
As for school, I am excited and ready to start back. We hardly did anything this 1st semester. That has to change. Cameron is going to be my accountability partner and so if things don't get done I have to answer to him. Thats what I need. Of course our educational goals for our children are not the same as alot of public school parents, but we still want our children learning daily and staying on task as much as possible. Education is important, along with teaching our children to live for the Lord and major life skills.
Well thats a quick update for me. I probably won't post anymore until after the New Year, so everyone be blessed and enjoy your time with your families :-)



  1. Happy New Year Maudie! We are moving forward with domestic infant adoption but also still trusting the Lord over my womb. I am praying for a baby and/or pregnancy by my birthday in March. Will you pray for us too? Will you also pray for the Lord to provide the money needed to adopt? I am praying for your new year to be blessed.

    Love you,


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