In and Out~

I wanted to drop in and say hello! Things have been really busy this last couple of weeks. Things are better on the homefront, but still a little unsetteling. We have started back to school and I am actually excited about that. Baby Emily is growing like a weed and is still just as sweet as she was when she was first born. I am trying to figure out how I could use this blog to be a witness to other women and not just talk about my life on here. I know that the Lord is doing some great things in my life right now and I just honestly feel like He is taking me in a different direction than I have been before. I will be posting more on that later. I feel the need to become even more dedicated to the Lord, my husband, my children and my life trying to be a Proverbs 31 lady. The phrase "dying to self"is stuck in my head. I have so many things swirling around, but so little time to post them right now. I have to go because we are taking Emy to have her pictures made! Yes, my baby tweedle dee as we call her, also is nicknamed Emy. So if I talk about tweedle dee or Emy, you will know Im talking about my precious Emily Jordyn!



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