Sweet Surrender

When I woke up this morning my home was unusually quite. 2 of the children were gone to their grandmothers, and 2 of them was peacefully sleeping and then 1 little baby was happily nursing. I cherish my time in moments like that. Not that I don't love my children or family, but I love my quite time. I use that time to pray and talk to the Lord. I spent a good hour or so praying this morning. I prayed for my family, my husband, my friends and for myself. I am trying to change several areas in my life. It has proven to be a difficult task. I spent alot of time this morning talking to the Lord about what areas that I know still need improvement. And I have actually heard the Holy Spirit speaking to me today in my heart, telling me to "shh... be quite" or "smile", "have a better attitude", "ask him if he needs anything", "be cheerful"; the list goes on. My heart and spiritual ears are open to whatever the Lord wants me to know. I have a wonderful smelling dinner cooking in my crockpot. My kitchen is clean and our laundry is almost done. I did not freak out when our lawnmower would not start even though our grass is ten feet tall in our backyard. I just said a quite prayer to the Lord that He would take care of the situation with the lawnmower and that it wouldn't be anything major. I am trying to see things in a different light. That is why I titled this entry "Sweet Surrender". When we decide that we are going to serve the Lord, where ever we are at or in whatever we are doing, we must surrender. And not just a little bit. We must surrender 110%. That means giving the Lord control of everything in our life and more. I am trying to really praise the Lord, allow Him to do whatever He sees fit for me, and honor the Lord ( and as an added blessing) and make my marriage much sweeter, by honoring my husband. As Proverbs 31 women, we must do whatever it takes to become that lady. The Lord has put us in this position in life to be an example of His love to our husbands, children, and the world around us. But our first duty is to the Lord, then our husbands, our children, then other people. We must take care of our domain: THE HOME. I love my husband, and no he is not perfect, but neither am I! I have many faults that my beloved has graciously looked over for years. I must do the same. By honoring my beloved, and serving him here at home and with our children, and while have a sweet spirit about me while doing these things; I am honoring my Heavenly Father. We must remember that. Only when you realize the complete picture and what the Lord really expects of us, when we surrender to Him and His ways, will our surrender be sweet. Change is always difficult, but when you understand the why and what of the matter, it is much easier. God bless and enjoy the rest of your day!



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