2014 in Review

   I decided that a great place to start here on my blog since I haven't really blogged in so long is to recap our year. I would love to put lots of pictures in this post to be quite honest with you, I am posting from my new macbook air and I haven't the slightest clue how to post pictures  from here yet. So I'll probably come back with just a photo post :-) 

   In January of 2014, we re-listed our home after abruptly removing it from the market in early December 2013, with a new realtor. I honestly  had high hopes that our home would sell quickly. Again, God had other plans. Its still for sale as I type this and we are once again planning on moving to a different company after our contract ends, later this month. Im  sure some of you maybe thinking that perhaps this is a sign that it isn't God's will for us to move. And that may be the case. Time will only tell, but we certainly still feel that God wants us in the country and that he is preparing the perfect buyer for our home and the perfect property for us. Thats the beauty in going with God's timing. Had we jumped on what we thought was the perfect property back in late 2013, we would  have been homeless for many months because the deeds were all messed up on that property. Praise the Lord for an all knowing God!

  In May our oldest daughter turned 16. I was very excited for her and wanted her birthday to be extra rememberable. With that said, we went all out and rented a community center, decorated, had a beautiful 3 tiered cake and lovely food, to celebrate her special day. It was a day she will never forget. Although I normally don't go all out on birthdays, it was worth every penny and the only regret I have is that I didn't have it fully catered. We have another sweet 16 this year and next year, so time will tell how those go. About that time, my husband had mentioned wanting to try to buy a car, so we could be a 2 car family again. Something Ive wanted for a long time. At last after some searching on the internet, I found my husband's dream car and in our price range! I couldn't believe it. I called the dealership and by that afternoon, we were the proud owners of a black, 2006 Nissan 350 Z. Yes, some have said it is impractical because its a 2 seater. But hey, there are just myself and my husband and that equals 2! It was his car, for him and for me. We love it and have enjoyed it every day since we bought it. Of course we still have our 15 passenger van, so we all can still travel as a family. But this has been a real treat for me and my hardworking husband. A well deserved treat at that!!!!

  The summer came and went.  In June, we lost our beloved boxer, Silas, to cancer at the age of 11. Although I had zero desire to have another pet, my husband did. So I was able to pick the puppy out. He wanted another boxer and so I chose a little brindle puppy, we named Ava. She's a mess and a very active member of our family.  A little too active at times.  

  Nothing major happened in the fall until mid November when we discovered that we were expecting another little one! Thrilled and shocked, were my two emotions. I am now 11 weeks along and anxiously awaiting our gender scan in February around the 16th to see what we will be blessed with this time!

  Well there you have it. Thats a recap of my year in 2014. And just for random, I thought I would share a few fun facts about myself:

  I LOVE Ball canning jars!!! I collect the special edition collections that they put out every year in colors. The year before last was, blue, last years was green, and this years is.... PURPLE!!! My oldest daughter and my 3rd daughter, share my love of these things! We are waiting to order as soon as they are released.
  I LOVE Apple products! I have an Ipad, an Iphone 6 ( my beloved has the 6 Plus), and I have an Apple Mac Book Air <3 i="">
 I LOVE flip flops and would live in them year round if I could.
 I LOVE all things, Amish, and classic.
I LOVE the country and can't wait until the day I can call the country my home!
HEARTS are one of my favorite things. I collect wooden items with hearts carved in them.
My hair is below my waist and hasn't been this long since I can remember. 
I don't wear makeup or jewelry and I dress pretty simple and modest.

Well thats about it! I hope you all have a blessed day and hopefully I'll be back to posting at least weekly and hopefully I can figure out how to add some pictures. 



  1. Yay! A nice newsy post :).
    I did not know canning jars came in different colors... You will have to post a picture. Your car sounds fun :), I would want more seat though as I we take baby on our coffee dates :). Looking forward to hearing boy or girl....don't you think a girl on August 6th would be nice;)? Can't wait to see pictures!!! Wow, 3 16's in a row!!! I love hearts and flip flops too :). Have a blessed day, Friend!!! Welcome back to blogging ... Should I keep you accountable? Lol!

  2. Loved reading your updates Maudie and I look forward to seeing pictures!

    Janet... countrylivingmama

  3. Praise the Lord for a new little one on the way (Lord willing)! I pray your pregnancy is going well.

  4. We are rejoicing with you on the news of a new baby. Those are the BEST gifts for sure! Can't wait to hear who will be joining your family. I have the green canning jars but PURPLE......I can't wait!!!! :) I LOVE hearts too.


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