
Showing posts from 2009

On to the New Year...

Well the New Year is fast approaching. Since we are out of school until next week, I really don't know what the date is :-) Silly of me,but I just have a hard time keeping up with it. Christmas was great and I am glad that the commercial part of it is over. Although I LOVE the season itself for the reason we have it is because of Jesus' birth. Our most precious gift by far! Cameron was suposed to start a new job today, but it ended up not working out. It is hard sometimes to wait on the Lord. I have no idea what he has planned for us, although I am definately looking forward to seeing what that is. Being that we have no money and that we are at home almost all the time, you would think my house would be spotless, but guess what.... its a disaster! I have been so sick with this pregnancy. No throwing up, just lots of gagging and tummy upset. We had a doctors apptointment yesterday. The baby's heartbeat was 157 and it was moving around quite a bit. Only 27 days until my birth...

Merry Christmas!!!!!

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!! I just wanted to drop in and say that. I doubt that I will have any time to post between now and then. I really don't have time to post this, but I am feeling a little nauseated today, so I am behind on my list of things that need to be done. Lord willing I will have all them completed by bedtime tonight, so I can have an easy day tomorrow, before the cooking starts Thursday. A few things to ponder though as we aproach the new year.... What are some things that we can all change to make us more productive for the Lord, our husbands, and our familys this next year? I know that I have a ton. I think my next entry will be about just that... what all I am going to change. I am constantly striving to be a better Christian, wife, and mother. And this next year with our baby blessing #5 arriving, I am determined and dedicated to making those changes for sure! Merry Christmas to everyone! May God bless you all and your families this Christmas :-) Blessings~ Maudie


Okay, so this is too wierd. I just went through all the trouble to create a new blog and then I discover that I had used the wrong email address to try to log into this one, and then I tried the new one and now I am logged in. So I guess I have 2 blogs, lol. Anyways I am back online, Cameron still doesn't have another job and we are expecting a new baby! Yes, right after my miscarriage in September and the HSG, we conceived about 2 weeks after the miscarriage. I am currently almost 14 weeks pregnant and we are due on June 21st, but we have a c-section scheduled for June 14th at 10 am. And for the most excited news, until the baby arrives, we get find out the gender on Jan. 25th, my 29th birthday! We are so excited. Well I guess I am gonna run for now, but I'll be back! Blessings~ Maudie

Uggh... the Pain~

Well my miscarriage officially started yesterday and I am hurting quite bad today. It was really bad when I woke up and I had a very restless night to say the least. I am going to have an HSG preformed next Monday to chek and see what the conditions of my tubes and uterus are. Of course we are praying for a good result but most of all I am praying to be content with whatever the Lord's will is for me and my life. I am feeling kinda down though just because I had really got my hopes up this time. I know that the Lord has a plan, but its hard for me to hold my head up all the time and be positive. I started reading "Created to be His Help Meet" again , over the weekend and I am trying so hard to adapt some of the things she teaches into my life and my marriage with my beloved. Well I am gonna go for now. I am gonna try to add a pic: Blessings~ Maudie My 4 kiddos on a day trip to the mountains a couple of months back~ Me gathering sea shells on the beach in t...


It seems that I may be going to have a "chemical pregnancy" so please pray for us. My doctor is not too hopeful for this little one and my pregnancy test at home are getting lighter and lighter. Pray for God's will and for us to praise Him no matter what. Another update is on Cameron's job. He got the word yesterday that October 17 would be his last day. I am now getting a wee bit nervous. Why? I dunno. I know God is in control, but when I think about the cuts we are gonna have to make, it scares me. I will update again Monday after my next Doctors appointment. Have a great weekend everybody :-) Blessings~ Maudie


I have an announcement!!! You guessed it, if you looked at my new ticker over on the side of my blog!!! We are pregnant !!! Praise the Lord!!!!! My first appointment is Friday at 8:15 am. So please pray that this baby is where it is suposed to be and that this pregnancy will not end until May 2010 and will end with the birth of a healthy baby!!!! I am soooo excited! Just wanted to share. Blessings~ Maudie

Bye For Now~

As sad as I feel to say this, I must. We are shutting off the internet. So for awhile I will not be posting. The only way I will post is if I go to my friends house and only if I have a huge announcement. Like a new baby ( hint hint ;-} ). We had a WONDERFUL time at the beach and I am so thankful that my MIL ( despite all our problems and differences) invited us and was so kind to pay for everything. I am going on for now, but I will post when I can, until then keep my family in your prayers and I will be praying for everyone too :-) Love and Blessings~ Maudie

Rainy and Sunny~

The weather today is wierd. It is raining and sunny. I am sitting here taking a break from my cleaning and preparing for the trip, to write in my blog. I hear the sounds of productivity going on around me. I hear my washer spinning out, my dryer running and my dishwasher coming to an end of its rinse cycle. I also hear the chattering of my children and the buzz of this computer. We have done no school today and after re-evaluating my yearly schedule, I discovered ( much to my surprise) that we didn't have to do school today. So we are out of school until Tuesday! My kids are excited and they wouldn't be able to focus anyway. All they have on their mind is the beach!!!! I am kinda getting excited too :-) I haven't been since I was 14 and this is only the second vacation that my beloved and I have taken together in almost 11 years of marriage. So all in all, I pray for a safe and fun trip. I am worried about my 74 year old mother being here alone with 5 cats and 3 grown dogs,...

Howdy Folks~

Well its been a while since I have wrote so I decided to drop a few lines here this morning before we start school. We are having a light week this week as my MIL has offered to take us to the Beach. We are leaving Friday and will be back Monday. I hope that if I have internet access I can post some photos. Yes, our internet days are probably coming to an end here for awhile. We simply will not be able to afford the internet on Cameron's unemployment. But we will see what happens. We do have some "new additions" that were added to our family Sunday morning.... 4 cute, cute, cute, ( did I say CUTE :-} ) red nose pit bull and boxer mix puppies. They are so sweet. And my Rachel ( the pit) has been such a good moma. She is only a year old herself and this was her first ( and last) litter. We are keeping 1 to add to the confusion here at our home. The others are spoken for, but for 6 weeks they will be ours. I am currently having to get up about every hour to put them back ...

Job Update~

I wanted to take a few minutes to update on Cameron's job situation.... I just got off the phone with him. His boss asked him why he didn't want to contract.. Cameron told him that he simply could not afford it and we felt that going into more debt was no what we needed to do. So his boss told him that within 2 months he would be unemployed . So Cameron told him that that would be fine. Just to do what he had to do. So please pray for us as we embark on this new path that the Lord seems to be leading us down. We are excited and nervous at the same time. Pray that the Lord will use this time to make our marriage and each of us as indiviuals, what it/we need to be as Christians. Well I have to go for now and start our schooling. Be blessed! Blessings~ Maudie

School Week 2~

Well we about to embark on our second week of homeschooling for the new school year! I am excited and feel that things are going much smoother this year than last. I am loving the way I have my classroom set up and I am also happy that the kiddos seem to be enjoying school. James is really making progress and although its only been 1 week of school, Taylor's reading has improved by leaps and bounds. She will be a class A reader in no time. I am so proud of all of them. I am thankful for the family that God has blessed me with. They are great and I can't wait to see what the Lord has planned for them and for their lives. In other news, on the job fromt, I believe that Cameron is talking to his boss now about his job situation. I secretly hope that Cameron doesn't take the contractor job and that he goes on unemployment. And that is him .... calling on the phone.... I have to go. I will update later.
Please pray for my husband as he decides on taking the job as a contractor, or going on unemployement. He has to make a final decision and I am just praying that ha makes the right one. Also please pray for me, as I am trying to" let go and let God" have all control in the area of my fertility. I will post again soon, I have tons to do today. Blessings~ Maudie

School Day #2

Well today is going to be our second day of school. Yesterday went well and James actually seems to be adjusting to sitting and minding me. He did seem to get bored with the big kid stuff, but when it came to his work time he really enjoyed it. I am pleased to say that although I am sure there will be frustrating days, I feel that this is going to be a success. I am going to try to occupy my mind with school and planning and I am determined to learn to sew also. I have been so occupied with the whole "trying to get pregnant" thing that I am leaving everything else on the backburner. Another month has went by and still no pregnancy. I am sad, but also I am tired. I am off of fertility friend as soon as I start again. I am also done with one of the message boards that I was on. I am going to let go of all this, because it is no longer healthy for me to concern myself with this. God may not have any more children planned for me and if thats the case I have no chance but to be co...

Updates and More Issues~

I wanted to update on Cameron's job. He is more than likely going to take the job as a contractor with his current boss. His boss has offered to let us buy the truck and needed tools for a very reasonable price and we will then be able to make monthly payments to his boss or ex boss might I say, to get it piad off. I guess thats what Cameron will do, because it is either that or be fired and draw less than $300.00 a week, which is just not feasable for us. So please continue praying and hopefully the Lord is really working in this. I am also having some issues with a lady from my past. I knew her son in highschool and dated him for a little bit. Cameron and I have tried helping him in the last couple of years and we have done alot for them as far as trying to help him better himself. He is now locked up in jail in another state for some very violent crimes against his ex girlfriend. The mother has been calling me late at night, sometimes as late or early ( however you want to think...

Prayer Request~

I have a prayer request. Cameron got word yesterday that he may loose his job or be cut hugely in pay. His boss is probably going to ask him to go back to being a contractor which means we would loose our benefits, plus we would have to get the truck up and working again which we can't afford to do right now. I have been praying that the Lord would do His will in Cameron's job and that we ( me and the kids) miss him and want him home more often and earlier in the day. So this may be God's way of answering that prayer. Whatever the case may be, please pray that the Lord will take care of us and our needs during this time and that the Lord will do His perfect will in Cameron's job. Thanks for praying~ Blessings, Maudie

Great Giveaway!!!!!

I wanted to give you all a link to this site: There is a great giveaway on there..... Check in out :-)

Changed a Few Things~

I have changed the background on my blog and I plan on changing it with the season as long as keep blogging :-) As I sit here: listening to the sounds of my 5 year old son whine like an infant and hear the sounds of my girls argueing and as I type I have to fight off my kittens so I can touch the keys on the keyboard: I realize something..... I LOVE MY LIFE!!!!! I know that this is a strange time to realize it, but I do. As I was taking a shower and praying, it just struck me how blessed I really am. As I was praying that this is the month that the Lord will bless us again with another sweet baby, I realized that even if He doesn't, I am so blessed already. Yes, I long to grow another baby in my womb and then hold that precious child in my arms, and of course watch that child grow into hopefully a faithful servant of our Lord and heavenly Father. But I am already the moma to 4 wonderful, although difficult at time, children. My 5 year old son is rude to me at times and mean to his ...

Its Been Along Time~

Its been a long time since I have wrote in here. Not much has really happened. I am just busy preparing for the upcoming school year. We are starting school August 3rd. We have been blessed to have been given 3 wonderful school desk. That makes 4 for me total, which is all I need at the moment. I have been using my old dining room table for our school table. We will still use it, but we will be able to do alot more with desk and we can utilize the space on the table for crafts, and wisdom booklet time. All in all I am very excited. There is nothing else that has really went on, so I guess for now I will go. I'll try to write again soon! I hope that I can post some pictures soon too, as soon as I figure out how :-) Blessings~ Maudie

See You All Later On~

I have been thinking on this for awhile, but in light of some tragic things that have happenned this past week to an aquaintance of mine on a message board that I am on, I have decided to forgo blogging for a little while. I don't share too much ( I don't think I do ) but you never know what people may use against you if the situation becomes right. I am also in need of just a down time period from the internet. I have alot to prepare for with school starting back soon too. I promise I will update when and if the Lord blesses us again with another wee lil" babe, but until then, this is probably goodbye~ Be Blessed, Maudie

Sick Baby~

I know that I haven't wrote for awhile, but we have been busy. Cameron worked this past weekend and I enjoyed my first Bible study on the book "Created to be His HelpMeet". I met several other interesting ladies and we are now looking forward to our first meeting of our new Home Church( which is yet to be named) this coming up Sunday which will be Father's Day. I am also trying to recover today from being up almost all night last night with James. He was sick with the croup and I was so scared that he was going to have an asthma attack.Thank the Lord we were able to get up and go to the Doctor this morning and get him some much needed steriods and sp hopefully tonight will be a better night when it comes to sleep. I miss Cameron today ( as I do most all days) and I am sooooo ready for him to come home. Speaking of that, I guess I had better go put on my meatloaf. I know it is going to take an hour or more to cook and it is already 3:30. I am also making mashed potatoe...

Today is Thursday~

Well today is Thursday and I woke up with a headache. I did have a wonderful day yesterday though. We had so much fun at the State Park and I am going to post several pics once I get them uploaded on my computer and can figure out how to post them on this blog. I love my new camera. I am so thankful that Jennifer and Jason gave us such a good deal on it. God is good. Tomorrow is my first Bible study session at another lady's house. I am excited about that too. Well I have lots to do and catch up on since we were gone yetserday and will be busy tomorrow too. So If I don't post for a day or two, its because I am SO busy. Be blessed! Blessings~ Maudie

Todays Happennings~

Okay, that was wierd. I just typed a whole post and when I went to add a coma to my sentence, the whole post disappeared. So I will type it again. I am sitting here listening to my kids go in and out and I am thinking about the stuff I need to be doing. I just made a gallon of sweet tea and I believe my next task will be to make some lunch. I started my cycle today so we know we are not pregnant. I also cancelled my appointment this morning with my Ob/Gyn and instead, ask for a nurse to call me back. We are going to postpone the HSG until after my August cycle and give my body time to do its on thing as the Lord intended. I am also done with temping and charting for now. It was good for a season, but has caused me too much stress that I don't need. I must get my focus on the upcoming school year, as it is fast approaching and I am looking forward to rekindleling my romance with my beloved. I have been so focused on "baby" making that it has kinda replaced the "loving...

Trying to Get back on Schedule~

It is Monday once again..... And another week starts over. We are busy this week, as we have a ton to do. Tomorrow I have an appointment with my Obb/Gyn to get a recheck after my eptopic and schedule my HSG to see if my tubes are open. Then Wednesday we are going to spend the day with some friends on at an area State park. Then the rest of the week is going to be spent organizing and doing the rest of my Spring ( or shall I say summer ;0) cleaning. Last but not least, I have been invited to a Bible Study on the book "Created to be His Helpmeet" so I will be attending that monthly. I am also super excited about that. I am also feeling a little more optimistic about other things in general. I am trying to lean more on the Lord daily. I want my life to be a billboard for the Lord and His awesome works .I believe that I can make a huge difference in more lives if I continue to stay strong in the dedication of my life to the Lord's purpose. I am also planning for the upcoming ...


Howdy Folks! Its me again. I know that when I started this blog, I swore I was NOT gonna let it fall by the wayside and its looks like maybe I did :-) Anyways I am writing now and thats all that counts. I am anxious as I sit here. I will go ahead and share. I think I MIGHT be expecting!!!! I am so excited. I have not really screamed it at Cameron, but he knows that I went and bought some test. I am waiting until Saturday morning to take one. I pray that I am. If not, then I don't know what the heck is going on with me, My body is morphing into something else, lol. Like something that is nauseous, LOVES hard bolied eggs with a slice of dill pickle, and someone who is very well blessed in the chest department. I am working on being thankful in all things, so even if I am not, I am still going to praise God! I Love my Father in Heaven and I know that He always has my best interest in mind. But oh how I pray that this is my best intrest and that we are indeed expecting again. In othe...

Its Been Too Long~

I can't believe it has been almost 3 weeks since I last wrote! So many things has been going on. We gave up on school for the rest of the year, and we are going to focus on teaching the girls some much needed homemaking skills and teaching them how to be young ladies. We are also going to work on Mr. James' attitude and some basics before he joins the girls and I in school this next year. And no.... still no new pregnancy announcement. But I do have my 2 month checkup after my eptopic pregnancy June 5th. So we will see what happens then. I will write again soon. I have to go make some dinner. Blessings to all! Blessings~ Maudie


I am sitting here thinking about several things. I can't say them all out loud but if you think about me today , please pray for me. We are expecting storms again for like the 30th time this week, lol! The weather is dreary and looks like it is going to be quite dreadful today. I am caught up on all my chores which is a miracle, and so I am basically just sitting around, doing busy work to keep me moving and not asleep on the couch. As for my trying to conceive journey, my test are still negative. I think that I am out for this month, but that is okay. God has something better planned. I am struyggling in several areas and some days are better than others. I really believe that the Lord is preparing me to be alot more "together" and then I feel confident that He will bless us again. I couldn't help myself though today at WalMart, I bought a $3.00 onesie that is blue, and it says "Worth the Wait" with a little colorful snail trailing behind the words. That is...

Rainy Day~

It is a rainy day today and I am happy that I do not have to get out in it until I go to get Cameron from work. The weather is saying that we are going to have storms and rain all week. I am hoping for nothing more than a little thunder and heavy rain. I like stormy weather as long as its not too stormy. I am sitting hear wearing my grandmothers apron that is atleast 50 years old and it feels awesome. I have very little memories of her, but I am proud that she left these things for me. I tried to participate in the "Simple Womans Daybook" today, but for some reason I could not copy and paste her article, and I don't have time to type it all out. I am only taking a small break and then I am back to work. I have my kitchen to clean and my bathroom to clean. I only have bedding left to wash and a few towels. Anyways I wanted to say hello and that I am gonna go for now! Blessings and be safe. Blessings, Maudie

So Tired~

As I sit here typing, all I can hear is "STOP" , "LEAVE ME ALONE" ,all in whiney tones that I can not stand. My kids are being terrors today! My husband has not said 2 words to us today and has played his Playstation3 all day!!!! I am tired today. My mom has slept most of the day, and I have done laundry. We just came out from under a Tornado warning which was interesting and that got the kids all hyped up. Cameron is now asleep on the couch. I am trying to have a good attitude today, but goodness it sure is hard. I did get to write out some of my goals for next years homeschooling and what I plan to do as far as schedule, courses and James' kindergarten. We have a ton to work on. We are also trying to get pregnant again. I know that the Lord will bless us again in His time, but I just pray that I am atleast pregnant by June, so that the bulk of the nausea and tiredness will be gone by the time school resumes in August. I can push the school year back by startin...

So Thankful~

I didn't write yesterday because I have had a lot going on. First I woke up to a wet bed, thanks to James. Then I heard my boxer bumping around in the bathroom and so being that it was 5:30 , I went ahead and got up. I walked down the hall just in time to see Silas ( my boxer) releaving himself on my hard wood floor!!! I was furious as he rarely does this. So out he went. Then just as I thought that things were starting to run smooth , I sat down on the couch, prayed and was maybe one sip into my first cup of coffee for the morning, when I seen a wee little mouse scurry through my hallway, through the living room and into the kitchen. It caught me off guard ( although I had been suspecting we had a mouse) so I screeled and jumped straight up on to the couch. Then after I calmed down from that, it was time to get Cameron up for work. The normal routine went well and as we started to pull out onto the road, Cameron said that something didn't seem right. Of course, my back tire wa...

Thursday Thinkings~

I am finally getting some work accomplished Prasie the Lord!!!! I feel like I am moving forward with my house cleaning finally after a few blah days. Cameron is leaving Tuesday for a job and won't be back until Wednesday. Then he will be on vacation until Monday!!!! I am so excited. I hate that he has to go out of state, but I am glad he is off after that. I am still feeling a little nauseous, but atleast I don't have the swine flu, right :-) Yes, it could always be so much worse that it really is. I have to stop and remind my self of that constantly. Well Im am off to finish my housework and run to Wal Mart to pick up Taylor's meds. Maybe I will write again later :-) Blessings~ Maudie


Today is another one of those days. I have really not been able to get anything accomplished the last couple of days and it is starting to show. I love to have everything in order. I am kinda aa perfectionist at times. Today I had to get up bright and early and take Taylor Grace to the Doctor about a rash that she has. She is now going to have to go to a dermatologist. Then I came home and my older girls had left their bedroom door open and my moms chiuahuah(sp?) pooped on their bed!!!! It makes me sick!!!! Mother treats the dog as if he can do no wrong, when really he bites and nips at everyone, including her. He is down right mean at times. It is days like this that I do miss the comfort of having a home that just included me, my beloved and our kiddos. I wish that my mother was in good enough health that she could live on her own. But that is not the case. I have to remember that the Lord never gives us more than we can handle and that I am privlaged to have a mother in which to ta...

Its a Beautiful Day~

It is truly a beautiful day here today. It is sunny and warm with a slight breeze. We are about to start our wisdom booklets for today and hopefully hurry up with school, so we can get outside! I am so ready to go out adn just enjoy the weather. Its days like this that make it hard to finish my housework. My kids are ready to go and so am I. I was thinking this morning about all the uncertainty that we are facing as a nation right now. The "swine flu" is quickly spreading our way and now not only do we have that to worry about, but we have the economy, our freedom and a host of other things. But we should fear not because our Lord has all this under control. My beloved is seriously considering starting his own business. I am on the other end of the spectrum where I think he should just stay put. But who am I to say yay, or nay? I am not the one having to work in the enviroments that he has to work in. I feel for my beloved and am so proud that he is dilligient in taking care ...

Mad Mondays~

Okay, forgive me if the color is not good. I am trying to find a good color to use daily on my post :-) Thanks for all the comments yesterday on my color scheme. Today is going to be a busy day . I can already tell. My hubby is back at work and its just the kids, myself and my mom. School is supposed to start in an hour, but it is a beautiful day here, I still have a ton of laundry and housework to do , plus I still have flowers to plant. I honestly think that today will just be a "nature/home management day", plus my oldest daughter is still sick with some type of stomach bug. I also am dedicateting this week to trying to getting 5year old under control. He is abn absoloute terror at times and he is constantly making noise or moving. Yes, I know he is 5 and he is a boy, but he still needs self control. I will be using the 'blanket training" method on the rest of the kids that we have. I wish I would have known about it sooner. Like maybe 10 years ago, lol. My oldes...

Just Checking the Color

A friend of mine said that the dark red was hard to read on my blog background, so I am trying new colors!!!! What about this ??? This??? This??? This ???? Lucinda... I hope you get back with me on CMOMB and chime in on what looks better :-)

Slow Sundays~

Well its Sunday and I am just pooped! I have not accomplished anything that I wanted to do today and it is already 2:40pm. My beloved is asleep on the couch , my sick daughter is sitting here with me and my youngest child and only son to this date, is hovering over me, likes flies over a pile of poo! I would love a HUGE energy shot and be able to accomplish everything at lightning speeds, but unfourtunately that does not happen. Tomorrow will be busy until atleast lunch because it is a school day and we are already having to continue with school until early June to make up for the days we already missed. My mother in law is so dead set against us homeschooling and living modestly. I dread seeing her this afternoon. I have a sick feeling also. Like nauseousness is setting in. I pray that I am not getting a stomach bug. I have far too much to do this next week to be sick with a bug. I am already zapped enough of all my energy, that I can not imagine getting sick right now. I do however f...

Late Night Rambles~

I am here at this computer at a little after 9 pm. My 5 year old son is still quite rowdy and my girls are gone with their Nana ( my beloved's mother). I guess I am bored and have decided to actually write for twice in 1 day. Do NOT get used to that, lol! I will more than likely not have this opportunity quite often. Today I have been struggleling with the wrong type of attitude. I feel like I am so blessed, yet at times I am so ill and irritated. I am going to re-read Debbie Pearls " Created To Be His HelpMeet" again for like the 50th time. It is so easy to forget what you have when you are consumed with the day to day hussle and bussle of being alive, running a home, homeschooling 4 children and just doing what all you have to do in general. I haven't got in alot of prayer time today or yesterday. The one day that I was happiest last week , was when I got lots of prayer time in. I prayed in the morning when I woke up, on my way back from dropping my beloved off at w...


As I promised I said that the next entry would be more about us, and so here goes~ On top of all the day to day things that we have going on( my 74 year old mom also lives with us) we homeschool. We are members of the ATI ( IBLP , Bill Gothard) . If you are unfamilar with it, you can google it or check out there webpage at : and see what you think. I am going to post some onf my favorite links as soon as I have the time. We homeschool because after several years of having our kids our in public schoool, we realized that we were not happy with some of the "fruits" they were producing. Plus it is so much easier to have my girls and guys with me, rather than wonder whats going on somewhere else. Its not always a blast 100% because we are still training them and they are still kids who want to run wild! But thats normal in my book. Well I here my little man getting up, so I will have to cut it short for now. Blessings, Maudie

Our New Home on the Web~

I am finally glad to have found a new blog spot on the web. We have blogged before and I have had atleast 3 Myspace accounts and although I do have a Facebook, I don't know how to use it, so I have never been on it since I first started it up about 2 years ago. So my first entry will be about me family and I. I am married to the most wonderful man ever, Cameron and we have been married since I was 17. We celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary last December. We are looking forward to many more years togther. We are parents to 4 very active, strong spirited children. Our oldest 3 are girls and they are: Jodee 10, Savannah 9, and Taylor Grace 8. We then were blessed again with another pregnancy that resulted in a miscarriage followed by another pregnancy which resulted in the birth of our 5 year old son, James. We had a tubal ligation during his birth, which was a premature birth at 34 weeks along. I knew shortly after that , that I had made a mistake by allowing my tubes to be tied....