Just Checking the Color

A friend of mine said that the dark red was hard to read on my blog background, so I am trying new colors!!!! What about this ??? This??? This??? This ???? Lucinda... I hope you get back with me on CMOMB and chime in on what looks better :-)


  1. O.K. I like the Yellow best but the green is o.k. too.
    Just my two cents.

  2. The yellow is easier to read for me. Then I like the blue color. :-)

    Praising Him,

  3. I think the blue looks good - what about white/cream? Or grey - they would tie in with your colour theme on the page? x

  4. Also, how do I get your lovely AGministries scriptures? I looked at their site, but couldn't see how to get them? I am building a Blog at the moment..


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