School Day #2

Well today is going to be our second day of school. Yesterday went well and James actually seems to be adjusting to sitting and minding me. He did seem to get bored with the big kid stuff, but when it came to his work time he really enjoyed it. I am pleased to say that although I am sure there will be frustrating days, I feel that this is going to be a success. I am going to try to occupy my mind with school and planning and I am determined to learn to sew also. I have been so occupied with the whole "trying to get pregnant" thing that I am leaving everything else on the backburner. Another month has went by and still no pregnancy. I am sad, but also I am tired. I am off of fertility friend as soon as I start again. I am also done with one of the message boards that I was on. I am going to let go of all this, because it is no longer healthy for me to concern myself with this. God may not have any more children planned for me and if thats the case I have no chance but to be content with that.~



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