
I am sitting here thinking about several things. I can't say them all out loud but if you think about me today , please pray for me. We are expecting storms again for like the 30th time this week, lol! The weather is dreary and looks like it is going to be quite dreadful today. I am caught up on all my chores which is a miracle, and so I am basically just sitting around, doing busy work to keep me moving and not asleep on the couch. As for my trying to conceive journey, my test are still negative. I think that I am out for this month, but that is okay. God has something better planned. I am struyggling in several areas and some days are better than others. I really believe that the Lord is preparing me to be alot more "together" and then I feel confident that He will bless us again. I couldn't help myself though today at WalMart, I bought a $3.00 onesie that is blue, and it says "Worth the Wait" with a little colorful snail trailing behind the words. That is so true. My baby will be worth the wait! What is any greater than bringing a new human life into this world!?!?! God has a plan already for that precious baby and that baby is sent to us for us to raise for the glory of the Lord. Now that is truly AWESOME!!!! I am honored to be in the position to do that for God. I regret ever messing with my fertility. I have learned the hard way and that is that. I have already done all I could do to correct my mistake. Now it is up to the Lord to bless us again if He choosess too. I was thinking last night that if I was still pregnant, I would be in my 12th week right now. It makes me sad to wonder why the Lord didn't see fit to allow my baby to grow, but it must have been a really special baby for the Lord to call it home so soon. That is how I must think of it. Well I just wanted to write for a little bit; I doubt I will write much for a few days because my beloved is on vacation for 4 days starting Friday,s o I will be spending time with him. Well until next time, I pray many blessings on everyone and stay safe :-)



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