Trying to Get back on Schedule~

It is Monday once again..... And another week starts over. We are busy this week, as we have a ton to do. Tomorrow I have an appointment with my Obb/Gyn to get a recheck after my eptopic and schedule my HSG to see if my tubes are open. Then Wednesday we are going to spend the day with some friends on at an area State park. Then the rest of the week is going to be spent organizing and doing the rest of my Spring ( or shall I say summer ;0) cleaning. Last but not least, I have been invited to a Bible Study on the book "Created to be His Helpmeet" so I will be attending that monthly. I am also super excited about that. I am also feeling a little more optimistic about other things in general. I am trying to lean more on the Lord daily. I want my life to be a billboard for the Lord and His awesome works .I believe that I can make a huge difference in more lives if I continue to stay strong in the dedication of my life to the Lord's purpose. I am also planning for the upcoming school year which is quickly approaching. We are starting school on August 3rd and will have a 4 day school week with Fridays devoted to Bible, test, and errands that must be ran or extra stuff that must be done around the house. I am also excited that I am going to have the oppurtunity to host a confrence presented by the Maxwells ( Check out their website if you are not familar with them. This should take place the 1st weekend in October, but we shall see. Anyways, I guess that is all I have to say today. I will write again later.



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