Update on life at our home :-)

I just realized that I haven't posted since our little Jonas was born nearly 8 weeks ago. My how time flies! Our life has been both wonderful and chaotic since then. So to update you all...
Jonas was born March 1, 2013 at 10:48 am and he weighed 7 pounds and 8 ounces. He had a headfull of dark hair, tan skin and was such a sweet, calm baby from the start. I am so very blessed to have him be so calm especially after Jackson was quite a demmanding baby. He cried alot. But praise the Lord we got through it and he is a sweet, sweet little boy. My c-section went well and I have actually had one of the best recoverys ever. If it hadn't  been for just seeing Jonas and nursing him, I wouldn't have realized I had even gave birth. Much less by means of my 7th c-section! Jonas was toungue tied and we were so greatful to a new doctor in our area who is not only a wonderful ob/gyn, but specializes in breastfeeding issues and early infant care. So he came in on the next day after Jonas was born, and clipped his tongue. We've not looked back since and we have had zero nursing issues. That was a blessing in itself because although Jackson was a wonderful nurser, we had thrush off and on for over 6 months! It was the most painful thing. I did press on and ended up being able to nurse him  for over 16 months. I gave birth on a Friday and was home by lunch on Sunday. I dread being away from home with each birth so I am so thankful that I am able to come home within 48 hours rather than stay 72 hours.
Once we got back home I was able to get back to a somewhat normal routine fairly quick. We we're then hit with a horrible cold. Jonas did not get it, but it hit the little kids pretty hard and as soon as we thought we were in the clear, we were then hit with the stomach virus. Jonas was again spared. So we have been sick off and on for 8 weeks with one ailment or another. Over the weekend I thought everyone was doing so much better and then out of the blue Jackson started throwing up Saturday night and into Sunday, and Emily joined in with him! The Monday I noticed Jonas was getting congested and had a pretty bad cough, so Tuesday my middle daughter, Savannah and I, were at the pediatrician's office at 8 am. The doctor checked him and said that she believes he just had the start of a cold. As I was starting to feel like the visit was a waste, the doctor informed me that she heard a heart murmur and that as soon as he is well, she wants to send him to the pediatric cardiologist at Children's Hospital. So within 2 weeks we will be getting that checked. Please pray that it is nothing and Jonas is okay. I have never dealt with anything this serious with any of my children. It seems though that lately we've had one health scare after another. My 3rd child and daughter, Taylor, was having daily headaches for several months. After doing all I could to try and treat them naturally, I took her in to our pediatrician and got her a referral to go for a CAT scan. Praise the Lord all was clear. It was scary thinking that it could be something major.
All these things remind me that our Lord is in control. He sends things our way to make us stop and think and reflect on Him and how His way is perfect. No, we may not understand it, but ultimately His plan is best. Our life has been through so many changes over the last few years. And when people from my past see me now, they are amazed that I am who I am and that I have 7 children. They remember me before the Lord really got a hold on my life. I am not perfect, but strive everyday to do what the Lord calls me to do. And I do realize that He calls each one of us in different ways. In my upcoming post I am going to be discussing these changes that my life has been through since my husband and I married nearly 15 years ago. My calling in life is to be home being a helpmeet to my husband in good times and bad, being a mother to my children even on days I want to run away, being their teacher even if its through a walk outside where they ask me a million questions about nature. I am called to this life. And its days like today when I went back to sleep instead of staying up, and woke up to a quite house, a sweet new baby sleeping on my arm, and a precious daughter sitting in our recliner faithfully reading her Bible and another one asleep at my feet, that I realize that no matter how tough things may be, I am BLESSED!


P.S: Look for me to post more often... I know I've said that alot, but I feel like I have some things to say and I might actually be an encouragement to someone. Im looking forward to linking up with some folks and hopefuly posting some series on different topics of interest to women that are living the same life as me! Blessings ya'll :-)


  1. So glad to hear from you!!! Thanks for the update;) I hope to see pictures soon. So sorry to hear you all were so sick, but praise the Lord it has passed! I will be praying that all is ok with Jonas's heart. Have a blessed day!

  2. Heather~
    Thank you so much! I have not forgot about the the gowns.I hope to send them off next week, so when you get back from your trip, you can make them. No hurries. I just appreciate your prayers and I will update when we have our appointment. If I don't talk to you before hand, have a great trip!


  3. So glad you are posting more :)! Jonas is soooo cute! Praying that all will go well with his visit to the doctors. Your right, no matter what trials we go through WE ARE BLESSED! My Love and I were just reading and discussing this morning about giving thanks in all things and for all things. Praying for you, Friend!

    1. Joleena-
      Thank you for your prayers! We still haven't shipped your package. It's packed and waiting to go. My husband promised me we will ship it this week when we go to town. It's fragile so be careful when opening it. I hope you all like it. We loved the candy you sent us and Jonas was quite snug in his little outfit.


  4. Yay! It is so great to see you blogging again.:) Sounds like you have a lot going on. Praying for the concerns you've shared.
    I look forward to pictures also!



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