
Here are some random photos of our life lately...
                                                                        Jonas 3/1/13
                                                                        Jonas 1 week old
                                                             Jonas~ a couple of weeks old
                                                                   Jonas smiling!
                                           My daughters~ Jodee,Taylor,Savannah, and Emily
                                           My sons~ James, Jackson, and Jonas
                                                           Jonas and I, last week
                                                            Jackson and Daddy
                                                         Jonas, nearly 8 weeks
                                                                     My sweet boy


  1. I'm not sure how I came across your blog but I knew I had to comment when I saw that we had something in common. I've had 5 C-sections and couldn't believe that you said you've had 7. I've only come across a few women that have had that many. Your little boy is precious. I hope your visit to the doctor goes well. Our 6th had a murmur and they said he would most likely grow out of it and he did. Not sure what childrens hospital you are going to. We went to the one that is in Chattanooga and saw a wonderful ped. card. with our oldest one time. Look forward to reading more of your blog. Missy

  2. Beautiful pictures! Precious baby:) Sweet family:) Thanks for sharing! I look forward to working on the girls' nightgowns when we get back:) Have a blessed evening!

  3. So precious!! You are truly blessed!!

  4. Oh goodness, he is a beautiful baby with a beautiful mommy! Your girls look so happy and the boys look so sweet as well!

    I have three with heart murmurs if you want to talk about it. Blessings,


  5. You have a very sweet family! They look so happy and much loved!

    Mrs. White
    The Legacy of Home


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