
It's the Little Things~

I pray this post finds you doing well and enjoying April so far. I am so thankful for the sunny weather we had today and for the nice temps too. My chickens are especially loving it, because they gave us 19 eggs today!! Thats a huge blessing in my book. Speaking of blessings, I feel like lately I've really been taking time to notice the little things. To take in the sounds of the birds, the wind blowing thru the trees, the smell of the flowers in the yard. There are many more things in nature that I've recently started to notice, on purpose. As far as inside the house, I am so thankful for my modest, little home. We recently remodeled our home and although our plan was to sell, the Lord had another plan. So truly its took me a year or so to really grasp that for now, this is home. It's never felt like home, even though we've lived here nearly 15 years. I now see why the Lord has kept us here. We have 2 adult daughters who are married and in their own homes, with our gra...

I'm Back~

  Hello sweet friends! Many years have passed and alot of things have happened since I last posted here. After much prayer and seeking the Lord, I have decided to come back here to this space and once again begin sharing my life here. If nothing else, this blog will serve as a memory for my children and grandchildren ( we are grandparents now <3 ) in the years to come.  I also hope to be an encouragement here in seeking God, living a slow, simple, but purposeful life and sharing my thoughts, along with sharing links to the articles I write in other publications and my YouTube here as well.  With all that said, I will be back within the next couple of days here. I have lots to share and I am really looking forward to sharing it with you all here. It's SO good to be back!!!                              Love in Christ~ Maudie <3

Its Been a Long Time...

Howdy from snowy Alabama! Its been a very long time since I have posted here. I have many, many updates to share. This may take a while, so I'm sure this post will just be the first in a series of  update post. I will go ahead and try to give you a quick overview of our lives the last couple of years! Since I have last posted so much has changed. We have had many, many trying times and challenges in our lives. Our older children are nearly grown and one is even out on her own and expecting our first grandchild, due to arrive in Feb.2018. My husband lost his job in January of 2016, and was able to train to get his CDL and now works as a driver merchandiser for Coca-Cola. We are still here in our same home, still homeschooling, and I am still caring for my 82 almost 83 year old mother, who has Alzheimer's, and is progressively getting worse. We have added a new member to our family, a sweet little girl, Sarah, who is now 2 1/2 years old! What a joy she is to our fami...

2014 in Review

    I decided that a great place to start here on my blog since I haven't really blogged in so long is to recap our year. I would love to put lots of pictures in this post to be quite honest with you, I am posting from my new macbook air and I haven't the slightest clue how to post pictures  from here yet. So I'll probably come back with just a photo post :-)     In January of 2014, we re-listed our home after abruptly removing it from the market in early December 2013, with a new realtor. I honestly  had high hopes that our home would sell quickly. Again, God had other plans. Its still for sale as I type this and we are once again planning on moving to a different company after our contract ends, later this month. Im  sure some of you maybe thinking that perhaps this is a sign that it isn't God's will for us to move. And that may be the case. Time will only tell, but we certainly still feel that God wants...

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas! I have some exciting news to share and if your on facebook with me then please help me keep this a secret until February. We found out in November we are expecting another sweet baby! We are thrilled as I was beginning to wonder if  sweet Jonas was our last. Please join us in prayer for a healthy pregnancy and safe delivery of a healthy baby in late July 2015. I plan on coming back to blogging after the 1st of the year but I just had to share our news! Praying you all are well and have had a very blessed Christmas.  Blessings~ Maudie


I hope this finds you all well. This is just a drive by post to say, stay tuned :-) We have had lots going on and lots of exciting news to share. No, I'm not expecting, but I still have lots to share in where God has brought us over the past few months. I've missed blogging in a way. I want to blog once a week and at least chronicle our lives for myself and the girls to look back on at some point. God bless you all and see you soon! Blessings~ Maudie                                        

Sick Days ~ Cherishing the Moments ~ Enjoying the Snuggles

  The littles at our house are sick. Very sick. Fevers, coughs, runny noses, and at least 1 incident of vomiting. We are trying to clean and prepare for our realtor to come Friday, which is 2 days later than expected. I emailed her yesterday and postponed our re-listing. But if the sickness continues we may have to wait a few more days.   It's in these times that we can choose to enjoy the "down time", even if we don't feel like its a good time. I love my littles. Of course I love all my children but my littles hold a special place in my heart since they are reversal babies. They are the children that had we not trusted The Lord with our fertility we wouldn't have. Our 1st son and 4th child is actually our first reversal baby. We thought we were done for sure, but praise The Lord He had other plans. When we are down and not able to move around as much, I tend to have more time to think. So as I was cleaning my kitchen cabinets with my little Jonas in his ergo th...