Its Been a Long Time...

Howdy from snowy Alabama! Its been a very long time since I have posted here. I have many, many updates to share. This may take a while, so I'm sure this post will just be the first in a series of  update post. I will go ahead and try to give you a quick overview of our lives the last couple of years!

Since I have last posted so much has changed. We have had many, many trying times and challenges in our lives. Our older children are nearly grown and one is even out on her own and expecting our first grandchild, due to arrive in Feb.2018. My husband lost his job in January of 2016, and was able to train to get his CDL and now works as a driver merchandiser for Coca-Cola. We are still here in our same home, still homeschooling, and I am still caring for my 82 almost 83 year old mother, who has Alzheimer's, and is progressively getting worse. We have added a new member to our family, a sweet little girl, Sarah, who is now 2 1/2 years old! What a joy she is to our family and a real blessing and light over these last few dark years. I struggled deeply with severe post partum depression after having her and still struggle some days, but praise the Lord, it is nothing like it was. We recently found out we were expecting again, only to be faced with the loss of our little one, a son, Jacob Levi, on November 10th of this year. So the hurt is still fresh on my mind, and in my heart. The Lord has been so gracious and merciful to me during these last few weeks and we have been blessed with lots of love (and good food)  from our dear friends from church.  The Lord has put such precious people in our lives, while removing some others, who were toxic to say the least. I have learned so much about the character of folks in the last couple of years, even the so-called professing Christians.

I have so much to share, and plan to do some more detailed post about the last couple of years in the near future. I also plan to blog regularly on my homeschooling blog, which I'll link here when my first post is ready. Stay tuned for lots of special post on different topics, plus helpful links to some other things that are a huge part of my life right now, as well as  lots of help to me and I hope that you can be blessed with them as well. We also have a YouTube channel in the making, which should be ready after the first of the year, and I plan to post links to that as well. I've got lots of exciting things coming and I pray that you stick around and are blessed!

In Christ Love,

Maudie <3 em="">


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