It's the Little Things~

I pray this post finds you doing well and enjoying April so far. I am so thankful for the sunny weather we had today and for the nice temps too. My chickens are especially loving it, because they gave us 19 eggs today!! Thats a huge blessing in my book.

Speaking of blessings, I feel like lately I've really been taking time to notice the little things. To take in the sounds of the birds, the wind blowing thru the trees, the smell of the flowers in the yard. There are many more things in nature that I've recently started to notice, on purpose. As far as inside the house, I am so thankful for my modest, little home. We recently remodeled our home and although our plan was to sell, the Lord had another plan. So truly its took me a year or so to really grasp that for now, this is home. It's never felt like home, even though we've lived here nearly 15 years. I now see why the Lord has kept us here. We have 2 adult daughters who are married and in their own homes, with our grandsons, and are within 20 minutes of us. Had we moved when we planned, we would'nt have been this close to our grandchildren and daughters. As I began to rest in that fact and how the Father once again knew what was best for us, I decided to start practicing true thankfulness. My husband has been putting togther some furniture pieces for me, a new desk and bookshelf for homeschooling, and he hung my wooden shleves with heart cutouts, so I could put up a few doo-dads I've collected over the years. It feels like HOME <3 <3 <3

I share all this to say: We can choose to be thankful and grateful and content or we can choose to be bitter and angry and contentious. I was devastated at the thoughts of staying here. I have dreamt of a farm for years. The Lord nearly worked it out several times but it would always fall apart before closing. I truly believe that the Lord wants me to be content and learn that lesson before He ever moves us, IF He ever does. And He may not, and if He doesn't then thats OKAY! 

I pray that you have a wonderful week ahead. I pray the Lord leads you and guides you in whatever direction He has for you. I'll be back later this week to share some more things with you. Maybe I can even load up some pictures~ :-)

Love in Christ~

Maudie <3


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