Head coverings~ A Salvation Issue?

   I write this post this morning praying that your new year is off to a wonderful start and that your not freezing cold! We are. We are having record lows here, so much so they are delaying school start times. Of course that's not an issue for us homeschoolers, but I'm sure the  public school mom and dads are glad for the delay. As promised, I'm going to do several post on topics that are near and dear to my heart. I have NO desire to debate with anyone and I'm NOT trying to offend anyone. As I have said before, if what I say offends you or pricks your heart, perhaps it's the Holy Spirit convicting you of something. I've read so many post on Facebook and blogs about women who are in " bondage" to this and that and they must live more like the world to be free. If that's the case with you, sister, Satan has you deceived. He is the king of lies. He comes to steal and destroy. If he thinks your going the right way, he will do EVERYTHING  in his power to get you to believe  his lie and turn from God's path for you. I am NOT perfect, believe me. Ask my children and my husband. They will gladly tell you otherwise. I have an issue with anger and discontentment. I'm working on those issues daily and pray that The Lord delivers me from those sins. 

Today's post is taken from another blog. Joanne says things so much more gracefully than I can, so I ask her permission to post this. So without anymore delay here is a post on Head covering. I pray you find it helpful and inspiring. Feel free to politely comment below :-) :




  1. Many blessings into your venture to simplify your life and be more Plain. I have found it to be a challenge from God to focus on only what is important in my life. I have just started a blog (brand new and very scary for me...) all about Plain dress and simple living. My husband and I and our large family have been "homesteading" and dairy farming for 25 years - homeschooling them all as well. Now I finally have time to write a blog, Lord willing, and am excited to be able to relate personal experiences of God's work in my life - as well as practical stuff like how to make butter!!
    I will pray for you and your family.


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