Smith Family's1st Annual Christmas Letter

I hope this post finds all of you doing lovely and preparing for next weeks upcoming events. We are taking it easy as we are still regrouping from the flu! I'm hoping to be able to post more because my wonderful husband gave me an iPad for Christmas :-) I've decided to post a Christmas letter for all my friends here who visit my blog. We've been up to quite a bit this last year and I would love to share it all with you! I'm hoping to make this an annual  tradition. So here goes:

            The year 2013 has been quite an interesting one.  On March 1st we celebrated the much anticipated arrival of our (this is going to be a long one) 7th child Jonas Heath, who is also our 3rd son,4th vasectomy reversal baby, 3rd tubal reversal baby, and my 7 th c section!  He is an absolute joy and has been from day 1. We are extra blessed by having him in our lives and are excited at the prospect of  such a wonderful future he has ahead of him. Shortly after his birth, we were convicted of the passage on head covering for ladies in the Bible. After much study and prayer, we committed to full time covering and haven't regretted it at all. Our oldest daughter turned 15 in May and we finally found a church home in August. We have been blessed by our church family in more ways than one. They are truly awesome Christians and mentors to us. They show us God's love in every way. We are members of Shepherd's Hill Fellowship and plan on being there until The Lord shows us otherwise! We put our home on the market in the end of August. We found our dream property and couldn't imagine not living there. But God had other plans. We had 3 showings and then on the day we had our last showing our dream property sold! We were heartbroken to say the least. It has taught us to fully rely on  God even though we don't see His plan. We took our home off the market through December to give us time to heal and re-group. We have a dream to be self employed and live off of our land. We know that place is out there and we are praying for God to reveal that place to us. Our home is scheduled to be re-listed on Jan 3rd. Please join us in prayer on that matter if you would. God has been so good to us this year and shown us so much. Had you told me in Jan 2013 that I would be who I am, where I am today, I would have thought you were crazy. But praise The Lord for a God whose wisdom is higher than mine. He sees eternally where I see only temporally until I allow Him to have full control. That is my goal for 2014. To completely surrender ALL of me to The Lord. I can't wait to see what the next year holds. God bless friends!




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