Quick Update~

Sorry I haven't posted an update lately! We have been super busy and I just haven't been able to sit down and post. My camera broke, so no pictures either :-( We still haven't sold our home and although its a little sad, I know that the Lord's timing is better than ours. With that, I ask that you all please pray the Lord sends a buyer to us by spring, so that we can clear the land on the new place and be able to plant a nice garden. I hope your fall is going well. We are seeing the beauty of it here with all the beautiful colors of the leaves. What wonderful Lord we serve! I'll try to post more regular from here on out. Blessings friends!



  1. Sometimes it is hard to wait but God's timing is always best and we only ruin things when we run ahead. :) I just said that for me too :) as there are a few things that I am really tempted to run ahead on but I know it is my flesh and not God's will. Praying that you will rest in His timing. So glad that you got a second to update!!!


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