Still Waiting~

I hope you have had a great weekend so far. Ours has been good. All the kiddos had another yard sale today (they had one last weekend too) and they made $20 dollars to split 4 ways. They made $5 a piece today and $ 6 a piece last Saturday. They also have the opportunity to earn $5 a piece every time their daddy gets paid ( which is 2 times a month), so they really enjoy making and saving money. They are all working towards saving for various different things. And we are also asking them to tithe along with us to the various places we give our tithe too. Our church is a home church and they just ask us to give to what we feel the Lord leading us to give. We want our children to see the blessing that they can get from giving to the Lord and to learn early that they can not out give God! Our oldest is saving for an iPad mini, the middle is saving for a collectable doll, the 3rd daughter is saving to be able to buy Christmas gifts for all of us and James isn't really saving...its the fact that I won't let him spend it. But it is burning a major hole in his wallet :-) 
As for Friday and the people that came to look at our house....they were here for atleast 45 mins and outside for atleast 10. I'm praying that's a good sign. My agent told us today that we should know what they think either tomorrow or Monday. Please pray for good news!
I have decided that in addition to doing a certain topic one day a week, I'm also going to post a link every weekend to out church service at Shepherd's Hill. We are so blessed every weekend and I know that you will be too. Bro. Paul broadcasts on Ustream every Sunday at approx. 10:30\10:45  central time and at 6pm every Thursday night. Also in central time. I will be adding a link to their written message that is on their website and if you want to then you can listen to the real message on Sundays and Thursdays through Ustream. Their website can be found here:
You can also "like" them on Facebook and get encouraging verses everyday and  a weekly link to get to the Bible study on Thursday and Church on Sunday.
Well I've got little ones to rodeo into bed and a busy day tomorrow worshipping our wonderful Savior with some of my most favorite people! I pray you all have a blessed Sunday~



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