Normal Days

Our days have been quite busy lately and we have once again had the sickness strike our home. We were able to get our garden planted thanks to the kindness of our dear friends Jennifer and Jason Williams; Check out her blog. She has a wealth of wonderful things on there from debt free living, homeschooling on a budget, and healthy eating. I have her button right over on the side of my blog. Its the one with the neat spinning wheel. Our cardiologist appt at the children's hospital for Jonas is next Thursday. A week from today. I am praying that all is well. Another major job change is in the future for my husband. That too will be a major life event for us which lately it seems like we have more and more of those. My husband has about 3 companies that he is applying too. Please remember Cameron in your prayers and that the Lord will open up the right door at the right time. Ultimately his goal is to be self employed. However at this time, its not really happenning. But the good thing is that atleast 2 of the potential jobs will be as close as you can get to self employed without being self employed. All that said Im going to close for now and ask for prayers for the situation with Jonas and with my beloved's job. I am going to make up for this jumbled post with some random pictures! God bless :-)


                                                    Our rose bush in full bloom~
                                                   Bailey and Abby~
                                                   Silas and I planting the garden :-)
                                                    Taylor and Jonas~
                                                   Taylor and her "buddy", Emily~
                                                    Jonas is a ham!
                                                    James being silly~
                                                   My precious boy~
                                            I just love this verse!


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