
Our new little man a few weeks ago! Isn't God's creation amazing! We've decided on Jonas Heath for his name and I am so excited to get to meet him in real life. He already looks like our other little boys. Another fun fact is  that npw the boys are catching up with our girls. We have 4 girls and soon to be 3 boys. A day I thought I would NEVER see! It makes me sad to think even for a second that if I wouldn't have followed the Lord's leading and had my reversal, I would have misssed out on this precious face. Along with these 2 down below:


I also wanted to say that I think I am back to blogging atleast 1 time a week. I have thought and thought about it and decided that its something that I want to do. We can hopefully be a witness and an inspiration to other people that read this blog. We are real people living real lives. Nothing fake or candy coated here! We love Jesus and try our best but sometimes fail, to honor the Lord daily!
We've been doing school for 3 weeks now and are doing pretty good. We've learned about Abraham Lincoln, the creation story, Noah and God's promise thru the rainbow plus the usual stuff. We are still using and LOVING our simple Rod and Staff. We did a leaf project and took a trip to our local museum's nature trail. We're members, so we go quite often. Im also going to post some weekly classroom pictures and keep you all update with whats going on in our schooling.

                                                   This little frog went hopping across
                                                   our path and I caught him! We wanted
                                                   to take him home, but we let him go!
                                                     Our children minus Jonas
                                                     Birds of Prey Trail
                                                    I think its a barn owl?
                                                  A hawk who was missing a half of wing

Well thats all for now! I hope my pictures post correctly. Im just not great at all that type of stuff. God bless you all and have a great week!



  1. Jonas is just beautiful!Praying for both you and baby :). That little frog is really cute, so tiny. Looking forward to your posts and the encouragement that comes from those that the love the Lord. Enjoyed seeing the precious gifts the Lord has entrusted you with ... such special blessings! Have a blessed day!

    1. Thank you so much! Your blog keeping has rather inspired me to start back posting. These will be memories we can cherish and hopefully witness to people for our Lord. And yes the frog was so tiny! I have no clue what kind it was, but I have never seen any type of frog that small.

  2. I tried to leave a comment the other day but I seem to be terrible at such things. :) I have enjoyed reading about your family here. Your little Jonas is PRECIOUS and I look forward to learning more about your homeschooling too. :) We can often glean so much from others. Thanks for sharing.


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