Another Update~

We survived the tornados and are so thankful for that. The storm went right around us and touched down 15 mins from our home. My mil and fil's town was basically destroyed, but they too are fine. We live about an hour from the Crawford and Lee families, so we are still greatly impacted by the realness of all the bad weather. The lady that took care of Cameron's grandmother lost her grandaughter( age:8), her daughter in law and her ex husband. They were all in one home, as they cared for elderly people also. All 4 of the elderly women they cared for passed away as well. I just want to stress the importance of continuing prayer for all the people impacted by this storm. A week later, there are still many missing in the state. God has a plan, but we may not understand it. I think that His plan in this storm was to open the eyes of so many people who think that life is something that we are guaranteed. I think it was to open the eyes of people who did not believe in the Lord and His power. I pray that thru the lost earthly lives, will be a gain of heavenly lives and that people will see that the only way to survive in this world is by relying on Jesus.
Now on a lighter note..... We are still awaiting baby Jackson's arrival. I have what I hope to be my last appt. of this pregnancy tomorrow with my ob/gyn. I have had alot of pain this last month and I am miserable. I have never been this big and uncomfortable. I am definatly ready to hold my little man and nurse him and snuggle with him. I am also ready to get home from the hospital and hold my Emily too. I am going to really miss her while I am away. I have never been away from her for longer than a few hours, much less a whole night! My mil is coming to stay with the children and my mother, but Emily doesn't care for her to much. She does LOVE her big sister Taylor and that is who has became her "buddy". I am so thankful to have Taylor to help with her. All of my girls are good with Emily, but Taylor is just a tad better in the role of care taker. She has a real heart to serve other people and I am so proud of that! I know I have said this a million times, but I want to start blogging more often after the baby gets here. I feel like sharing my life with others may benefit someone someday :-) I have gone back and forth with whether of not blogging is too personal or just plain time consuming. I then think about all the blogs that I read that have really touched my life. I find these women an inspiration to me in my quest to be what the Lord would have me to be. I want to do that for other women. Its my prayer that I may be a light in this world of darkness and that by being open with my struggles and shortcomings, that I can touch other people and lead them to Christ. So with that I will close for today, but ask that you all remember me and my family in prayer as we prepare for Jackson's arrival. I have a list of specific prayer needs if you feel led to pray:

~ Prayer Needs in the Next Few Weeks~

1} Safe delivery with NO COMPLICATIONS
2} Healthy uterus after delivery/mininal blood loss
3} Successful nursing/alert , happy, baby
4} Good recovery with no after affects of epi
5} Emily's safety while we are away
6} Overall good experience of birth,nursing,recovery and emotional
well-being in the weeks following the birth.
7} Childrens behavior while we are away
8} For school to pick back up and be a success when we start back
9} To be able to find a routine and schedule that works for us

Thank you all in advance for praying. I will be back tomorrow and let you all know when I expect my little mans arrival once I return home from the doctor. Due to my pain and the constant contractions and stomach issues, we are praying for Friday, May 6 to be his birthday. Cameron will also only have to take off 1 day of work and that will make it much better on all of us. Thanks again and God bless :-)



  1. I am so glad you are ok. I was trying to find your # to call you and make sure you were ok. I will be praying for you as you get ready to have your 6th baby.



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