
Im still here and VERY pregnant! Jackson is atleast 8 pounds they suspect and I should be having him within the next 2 weeks. Of course I am praying for this Friday, the 29th, and should know something Monday. If you all don't mind, please pray for me to be content with the Lords timing in his delivery. I am in a ton of pain though and I am not the nicest person to be around at the moment. We have all been sick and I am on antibiotics and so is Tweedle. I do have some good news though.... my Tweedle is finally getting teeth!!!!! I thought we would have to buy dentures,lol! They are sooooo cute, but of course, every part of her is cute! I love her so :-)
Well thats all for now. I know its short, but I am on my way to go lay down. I willl be back next week for sure to let you all know when my little man is expected to arrive! God bless and I pray that everyone has a wonderful Easter as we all take the time to celebrate the best gift of all: Jesus... OUR LORD!!!!


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