
Showing posts from 2011

Im back~

Im back! Just a quick hello. I don't have much time to update tonight other than to say we are all doing good and our newest edition is now 17lbs! So he is eating and growing a ton. We are so in love with him. Emily is developing her own personality and boy is she strong willed. She is 1 going on 21 :-) And as for my older kiddos... they are all well and growing like weeds. I had mentioned in my last post that I didn't know if I needed to blog anymore and I still don't know. Im still praying about that. There are so many people that use the internet for bad things and they choose bloggers like myself that are striving to be different, and they laugh and poke jokes at us. That is simply WRONG. That said, I don't know if I want my family exposed to that. So until I figure it out, I'll try to post more. Right now though, I am going to go grab my little man, snuggle up on my couch and try to enjoy my upcoming weekend. My beloved has taken vacation from work and will not...

He's Here!

Our new baby boy, Jackson Steven Tyler Smith, was born May 6, 2011 at 7:01 pm after about 4 or 5 hours of labor I began to feel the most intense pain I have EVER felt. My contractions became 1 on top of the other, not even giving me a chance for relief from them. Then I thought my water was breaking. I had not been dilated any up until this point, but I figured that was what all was going on. I was wrong. I kept feeling the "water" trickling out and decided I would feel to see what it was. It was blood and a lot of it. I lost it, and my oldest daughter ran to the nurses station to get help. My husband had just stepped outside to make a phone call, but I was afraid that I couldn't wait for him to return. I look back now and wonder why I didn't push the nurses button. Panic and fear I suppose. The nurses checked me and I had only dilated to a 1. I was having a placental abruption. I called my dearest friend Jennifer to ask her to pray for me and within a few minutes, sh...

Baby Update #1

I am still pregnant :-) I had a good, but oh so ever long, appt. this morning. I am NOT dilated at all, but I am contracting. So my doctor pretty much said that if I feel the need to go to labor and delivery , she will go ahead and deliver him if I am contracting. So in the morning I am going to see what is going on and then make my choice. I have tied up all my loose ends around here, other than putting the car seat back together and the bassinet back together. I cleaned my room ( but not my closet, lol) and I cleaned and organized my school room. My laundry room is still a mess, but I may tackle that in the morning. I am going to walk a ton in the morning also. If all else fails, I will be holding little Jackson in my arms Tuesday. But please pray that it does work out for tomorrow. Cameron is really hoping for that too so he doesn't miss but 1 days work. Well thats all for now! I am off the computer to go and watch a movie with Cameron and the kiddos before bed. God bless :-) Bl...

Another Update~

We survived the tornados and are so thankful for that. The storm went right around us and touched down 15 mins from our home. My mil and fil's town was basically destroyed, but they too are fine. We live about an hour from the Crawford and Lee families, so we are still greatly impacted by the realness of all the bad weather. The lady that took care of Cameron's grandmother lost her grandaughter( age:8), her daughter in law and her ex husband. They were all in one home, as they cared for elderly people also. All 4 of the elderly women they cared for passed away as well. I just want to stress the importance of continuing prayer for all the people impacted by this storm. A week later, there are still many missing in the state. God has a plan, but we may not understand it. I think that His plan in this storm was to open the eyes of so many people who think that life is something that we are guaranteed. I think it was to open the eyes of people who did not believe in the Lord and Hi...

Prayers Please

I just wanted to ask for prayers please. I am still dealing with high blood pressure ( a tad) and my doctor decided today that she will give me until May 9 to go into labor on my own or else she will deliver the baby that day.


Im still here and VERY pregnant! Jackson is atleast 8 pounds they suspect and I should be having him within the next 2 weeks. Of course I am praying for this Friday, the 29th, and should know something Monday. If you all don't mind, please pray for me to be content with the Lords timing in his delivery. I am in a ton of pain though and I am not the nicest person to be around at the moment. We have all been sick and I am on antibiotics and so is Tweedle. I do have some good news though.... my Tweedle is finally getting teeth!!!!! I thought we would have to buy dentures,lol! They are sooooo cute, but of course, every part of her is cute! I love her so :-) Well thats all for now. I know its short, but I am on my way to go lay down. I willl be back next week for sure to let you all know when my little man is expected to arrive! God bless and I pray that everyone has a wonderful Easter as we all take the time to celebrate the best gift of all: Jesus... OUR LORD!!!!


Im still living and breathing ;-) but I have been very busy. We all had the flu, beloved was out of work for a week, and my Tweedle had a really hard time and caught her first ear infection after the flu. So basically we have been busy being sick, which is no fun, let me tell you. I have been really having a hard time emotionally lately with all the things that the Lord has laid on my heart. I have had to make the painful choice to distance myself from several people, some including family, and return my focus to the Lord and my family here at home. I am reading a devotional book that I bought from Vision Forum ( ) that speaks about contentment and the other one I am reading speaks about Joy. In one of them, the author talks about sometimes you must let people go and that for the majority of the time, people are in your past for a reason. And that there is a good reason most are not in your present day life. I am realizing this more and more. I am trying my best to...

Time 4 Learning

I've been invited to try Time4Learning for 1 month in exchange for a candid review. My opinion will be entirely my own, so be sure to come back and read about my experience. Time4Learning can be used as an online homeschool curriculum, after school tutorial or a summer skill builder.Find out how to write your own curriculum review for Time4Learning.

My 30th Birthday!

Today is my 30th birthday! I feel like normal. I am not having a great so far. My older 2 girls have been rather testy the last couple of days. So I am trying to relax. I am planning on writing in this blog again, but I don't know when or to what extent. Well I am going to finish up our schooling and then I am going to try to enjoy the rest of the day. God bless. Blessings~ Maudie