My Story~ Part 2
So after my tubal ligation I was pretty content for about 2 years. Then I began to realize that maybe I had made a mistake. I had a horrible time every month when it was that time, and I was becoming an emotional wreck. I had a hard time with lots of stuff in my life and so I began researching reversals and how much they cost. I mentioned the prospect to Cameron and at first he said no way. We had all we could handle and in my emotional state at that time, he was right. Finally he agreed that maybe a reversal would be okay just as long as we did it to see if it helped me emotionally. The next step was the finances. After much prayer we decided on Dr. Lisa Rogers in Jackson,Tn. Then we needed to send in my medical records to even see if I was a canidate. And praise the Lord, I was a perfect canidate for the reversal. So we were now on the road to trying to save up the $4500.00 we needed to have the surgery. I found a group online that had letters that Dr. Rogers honored that gave you a ...