
Showing posts from August, 2010

My Story~ Part 2

So after my tubal ligation I was pretty content for about 2 years. Then I began to realize that maybe I had made a mistake. I had a horrible time every month when it was that time, and I was becoming an emotional wreck. I had a hard time with lots of stuff in my life and so I began researching reversals and how much they cost. I mentioned the prospect to Cameron and at first he said no way. We had all we could handle and in my emotional state at that time, he was right. Finally he agreed that maybe a reversal would be okay just as long as we did it to see if it helped me emotionally. The next step was the finances. After much prayer we decided on Dr. Lisa Rogers in Jackson,Tn. Then we needed to send in my medical records to even see if I was a canidate. And praise the Lord, I was a perfect canidate for the reversal. So we were now on the road to trying to save up the $4500.00 we needed to have the surgery. I found a group online that had letters that Dr. Rogers honored that gave you a ...

My Story~ Part 1

I promised that when I returned to my blogging fully that it would be well worth the wait. So I am going to start from the beginning and tell you my whole story. My life is going somewhere different and so the Lord is leading me to start over, from the start. So here goes: I have been thinking alot lately about life in general. My husband and I have had our ups and downs all these years ( 12 in December to be exact), but we have managed to keep it together. We have 5 wonderful children now and are excited to see how many more the Lord has in store for us. I think about my attitude when we first married. You couldn't have forced me to believe that my life would be like this. I was so much different. But yet today as I look down at my little Emily sleeping away beside me and hear the hussle and bussle of my older children running about through the house, I can not think of anything that could be better than this. So many of our friends have been married and divorced atleast twice by ...

Look For More~

I just got back from a great church service that has actually inspired me in the areas I have been praying about. I haven't wrote in my blog since my last post because I have been praying about several things. Mainly the direction that the Lord is leading me in my life. So although I don't have to much time right this minute, I am going to be writing more starting this week. I am quite tired right now and I am fixen to lay down for a few with Tweedle Dee. so check back this week for more..... God bless! Blessings~ Maudie

In and Out~

I wanted to drop in and say hello! Things have been really busy this last couple of weeks. Things are better on the homefront, but still a little unsetteling. We have started back to school and I am actually excited about that. Baby Emily is growing like a weed and is still just as sweet as she was when she was first born. I am trying to figure out how I could use this blog to be a witness to other women and not just talk about my life on here. I know that the Lord is doing some great things in my life right now and I just honestly feel like He is taking me in a different direction than I have been before. I will be posting more on that later. I feel the need to become even more dedicated to the Lord, my husband, my children and my life trying to be a Proverbs 31 lady. The phrase "dying to self"is stuck in my head. I have so many things swirling around, but so little time to post them right now. I have to go because we are taking Emy to have her pictures made! Yes, my baby tw...