
Showing posts from January, 2010

We Found Out Yesterday....

We ended up going on to the doctor yesterday. And the verdict is in.... ITS A GIRL!!!!! EMILY JORDYN SMITH!!!!!!!!! We are pretty excited. We will get 1 more u/s in Feb. just to check the development. In other news we are shutting our internet back off. ButI will update when I can at the library and at my friends house. Please pray for the Lord to continue to bless this pregnancy and baby Emily. I would also like to ask for prayer as my beloved and I seek to live a more simple type life. I pray that the Lord will bring the right job to him also. And of course pray for our homeschooling. We are transitioning to Rod and Staff after tax returns come in. And we are praying about staying in the ATI. And last but not least, I have a very important unspoken request in regards to our marriage and where the Lord is leading us spiritually. Well thats all for now... Blessings~ Maudie

Almost Time...

Time is ticking!!!!! At 9 am Friday morning we will be at the Doctor's office praying that our precious baby is 100% healthy and that it is laying or sitting in the right position to tell if its a Jackson or an Emily :-) We are sooooo excited!!! I am going to get on to my chores for today, but wanted to add this... and of course I will be updating after my appointment:-) Be blessed~ Blessings~ Maudie


Things have been a tad difficult here the last couple of days. We have all been sick except for Cameron and my mom ( thank the Lord) and so the kids behavior has been horrible. My middle daughter Savannah ( who had ALWAYS been my most trying child) has been expecially disrespectful. How do you handle these days? Well I have not been so proud of myself the last week or so. My kids have been a mess, my house is a mess, and my dogs have even went crazy!!!! I feel like pulling the covers over my head and hiding for awhile. I know though that this too shall pass. I am trying to get control of my bad attitude and my harsh words. I can be quite mean , especially with Savannah because I am so frustrated. Yesterday I was on the verge of crying by the time Cameron came home from work (this was his 3rd day back at work after being unemployed since October 17th.) so he was not feeling like hearing all the drama, but he handled it with grace. Something I am lacking in lately. I am trying. Today has...