
Showing posts from September, 2010

Good News!

I just got back from the u/s and my due date changed to May 17, but all looks good. The baby's heart was beating away in the 130s and the sweet little babe look healthy and strong! Praise the Lord :-)

My Ultrasound

My ultrasound showed a sac in the uterus! We are thrilled. Thank you all so much for the thoughts and prayers. We go back for another u/s to check for a heartbeat on Sept. 27th at 10 am. Please pray that the baby is healthy and that the next u/s shows a healthy baby, with a strong heartbeat. The baby measured exactly 5 weeks and 3 days as I predicted. I know my cycle pretty good, especially after many pregnancys. And I don't know if I post it already or not, but my beloved got a promotion to supervisor of his shift and a raise! GOD is GOOD! Blessings~ Maudie

Emily's Test Results~

Emily test results came back normal. Praise the Lord! So I guess the spells she was having was from the reflux. We are praying that she doesn't have anymore. I go in this afternoon to my doctors appt and we are going to try to see the baby. I am praying for a healthy baby in the uterus and I would love to see a heartbeat, although I know it is a little early. Well I have to go and finish up our schooling. We were just taking a quick break. I will update on myself either this afternoon or tomorrow. God bless and thanks so much for praying for us! Blessings~ Maudie

Quick Update On Me!

Quick update on myself: My numbers from Wed. were 491 and then they were 939 yesterday. So my ob said that was great. I go in Tuesday for another u/s to try to find the baby in the uterus, so I am asking for prayers that we will see a healthy babe in the uterus! And as for Emily... No news yet. They said that we will know something Monday afternoon. We so appreciate these prayers! God bless you all and have a safe weekend! Blessings~ Maudie

Feeling a Little More Like Talking...

I feel a little more like talking this morning. First I want to start out by saying thank you so much to everyone who is praying for us. Emily and I slept well last night and so I woke up at 5:30 this morning feeling much more focused and rested and peaceful. I have decided that I am OKAY with not having any control in this issue with this pregnancy and with Emily. I am still hurting pretty bad and I am still spotting a lot of brown liquid ( sorry if TMI) which I have read is a sign of epctopic. With my other one, I never had any spotting or bleeding, so all I can do is wait and pray that if it is epctopic, it will resolve itself, and I will not require another surgery. I really do NOT want to be away from my little Emily overnight. There is a verse, 2 Timothy 1:7 :" For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love and of a sound mind." I am holding onto this verse and have been since right before I found out I was pregnant. When you give your fertitlt...

Please Continue to Pray

I had my u/s today and it was too early to see anything. I was sent for bloodwork and will go back Friday for more bloodwork. I also have another appt. Tuesday. I have a bad feeling about this pregnancy, so please pray for me. Also tomorrow is Emily's appt. at the hospital. I will update again when I know more. Thank you all so much for praying.

Please Pray for Emily/Prayer Request for Family

Please pray for Emily. She has been having some spells where she stops breathing. We don't know if it is a symptom of her reflux or if its seizures. I am taking her to the hopsital Thursday at 12 for an EEG. Please remember her in prayers. My son also has hand,foot and mouth. Please pray we don't get it. And as for myself, please pray for me and my unborn baby. I go in at 9 tommorrow for an ultrasound to try to rule out eptopic. Just please keep our family in your prayers. I will update as new things develop. Blessings~ Maudie

Big Announcement....

Yes. I have an announcement. A rather shocking one..... I found out yesterday that I am expecting our 6th baby. Yes, Emily is only 3 months old. I am in utter shock. I am excited that Emily will have a sibling so close in age, and my middle 2 daughters are closer than Emily and the new baby will be. So here we go again.... Our edd is May 14, 2011. I will post some pictures later,when Cameron gets home, so he can load them off my blackberry. Please pray that this baby is healthy and in the right place, and that I will have an uneventful pregnancy and that we will all adjust to this news :-) I am also secretly praying that this is a boy for James and Cameron, although healthy baby/moma is the main thing!