Uggh... the Pain~

Well my miscarriage officially started yesterday and I am hurting quite bad today. It was really bad when I woke up and I had a very restless night to say the least. I am going to have an HSG preformed next Monday to chek and see what the conditions of my tubes and uterus are. Of course we are praying for a good result but most of all I am praying to be content with whatever the Lord's will is for me and my life. I am feeling kinda down though just because I had really got my hopes up this time. I know that the Lord has a plan, but its hard for me to hold my head up all the time and be positive. I started reading "Created to be His Help Meet" again , over the weekend and I am trying so hard to adapt some of the things she teaches into my life and my marriage with my beloved. Well I am gonna go for now. I am gonna try to add a pic: Blessings~ Maudie My 4 kiddos on a day trip to the mountains a couple of months back~ Me gathering sea shells on the beach in t...