Updates and More Issues~
I wanted to update on Cameron's job. He is more than likely going to take the job as a contractor with his current boss. His boss has offered to let us buy the truck and needed tools for a very reasonable price and we will then be able to make monthly payments to his boss or ex boss might I say, to get it piad off. I guess thats what Cameron will do, because it is either that or be fired and draw less than $300.00 a week, which is just not feasable for us. So please continue praying and hopefully the Lord is really working in this. I am also having some issues with a lady from my past. I knew her son in highschool and dated him for a little bit. Cameron and I have tried helping him in the last couple of years and we have done alot for them as far as trying to help him better himself. He is now locked up in jail in another state for some very violent crimes against his ex girlfriend. The mother has been calling me late at night, sometimes as late or early ( however you want to think...